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July 10, 2024

The Unraveling Intensifies

The most corrupt group of people ever assembled in America has been perpetrating the greatest national hoax and crime in her history. The Democrat Party, Deep State, some members of Congress and the Judicial system, and the Media have worked together to frame their political opponents, place a cognitively challenged man in the Presidency, and run the nation with a shadow government. It has been fascinating to watch many of these complicit liars now try and save face, acting surprised at Biden’s mental condition.

They all knew.

Truth, legalities, decency, mercy - none of these things matter to this power-hungry group of Obamanites determined to stay in power and transform America. Nor do the lives of the children they have destroyed, the thousands of people that are trafficked, the hundreds of thousands who have died due to the fentanyl highway they created at the border, or the thousands of terrorists that have no doubt entered our nation and are now waiting to earn their 72 virgins. All that matters to this conscience-seared company of criminals is power and control.

But…Holy Spirit has a vote.

The Unraveling

While thinking about this evil several months ago (February 28, to be exact), I heard Holy Spirit say, “It is all coming unraveled.”

I was surprised when I looked up the Greek word for “unraveled” and discovered that it was analusis,(1) which comes from the root word, luo.(2) This piqued my interest because I knew luo was translated as “destroy” in 1 John 3:8: “For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.”

The word luo has both legal and physical meanings; this verse is no doubt referring to its legal connotation: 

  1. to pronounce or determine that something or someone is no longer bound;

  2. to dissolve or void a contract or anything that legally binds.(3) 

Placing these definitions into the verse, Jesus came to dissolve the legal hold satan had over humankind; to pronounce that we were no longer bound by him and his works; to void the contract, ending his dominion over us.

There is another relevant passage in which luo is used: Matthew 16:18-19. After making the all-important announcement that He was going to build an Ekklesia (governing body) here on earth, Jesus continued in verse 19: “I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of heaven, and whatever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you shall loose [luo] on earth shall be loosed [luo] in heaven.”

In interpreting these two verses, the obvious question is: If Christ luo-ed satan’s hold over us at the Cross, and He did, why would the church also have to luo satan’s activities? The answer is two-fold: 1) because satan is a thief and trespasser. The fact that he no longer has a legal right to steal, kill, and destroy does not mean he will not continue to do so if allowed. And 2) God’s plan is to work on earth through His family, the body of Christ. We must enforce Christ’s victory through the authority of His name and with Holy Spirit’s power. We do not have to re-defeat satan, but we must enforce his defeat.

As I pondered all of this back in February, I heard Holy Spirit say, “As the church has been releasing Christ’s authority, binding and loosing [luo-ing] the plans of satan in America, it has enabled Me to unravel [analusis] and expose his plans.”

The next day, February 29, I wrote in the GH15 post:

“God is, indeed, exposing satan’s schemes and plans. Americans are beginning to see just how corrupt our government has become. They see the two-tiered system of justice. They are observing the insanity of plans to remove our borders, destroy our families and children, distort our history, and steal our nation. They see the dishonesty and deceit. They are coming to grips with the disheartening and horrifying truth that for many of our leaders, votes and power mean more than the lives of the American people. The corruption is all being unraveled, enabling the American people to understand what is truly happening. The truth is painful, but necessary. And throughout this year, 2024, the process will intensify. The revelations will be amplified, and Americans will not like what they see.

“This is all part of God’s deliverance process. America is receiving her MRI. That which is hidden on the inside is being revealed, and the level of revelation will increase. We asked for this, and it is occurring, exposing the cancer of sin eating away at the life of our nation.

“Keep praying. Do as Jesus instructed us in Matthew 16:18-19: bind the plans of the enemy; loose, dissolve, untie, unravel his evil schemes. Do as He instructed us in Matthew 6:10—command His Kingdom rule into our land, His will to be done. Ask Christ to pour out His Spirit, bringing life to America’s dry bones and healing our land. Ask Him for revival, the great ingathering, and the transformation of our nation. Yes, grieve over what Holy Spirit is exposing, but don’t be discouraged as you witness it. Be encouraged that we are getting a proper diagnosis in order to receive the cure.

“Don’t allow the shaking to shake you. Determine to keep praying and standing in faith that America shall be saved. Decree it daily. Your prayers are saving our nation and releasing salvation to a billion people around the world. Never stop.”

Pray with me:

Father, thank You for answering our prayers by exposing and revealing our nation’s true condition, even though it is painful and grievous to see. We ask You to continue unraveling the evil structures and plans. Show us where satan has entrenched himself in our nation; reveal his schemes; enlighten us to what must be repented of. Root out evil at all levels. Go deep. We loose this through Jesus’ authority.

Even as we pray against the evil, we ask for the salvation of those who are deceived and partnering with the evil one. Help us to remember that You love the lost, Your mercy is great, and just how powerful a cleansing agent is the blood of Jesus. Keep us from the sins of pride and stone-throwing. Deliver those who are deceived and walking in darkness; open their eyes to truth and the gospel; soften hard hearts. Do these things here and around the world.

We also pray again today for the protection of our family members and our leaders. Destroy every scheme to take their lives, and expose every deceitful plan to assassinate their character. We pray for Donald Trump’s protection from physical harm and judicial injustice. Turn it all for good. We pray for the protection of our water resources and structures, and for protection from all forms of terrorism.

And we ask for the great spiritual harvest. Your plans are on schedule. You change the times and seasons (Daniel 2:21), and You know exactly when to do so. You know when to stop shaking and start saving, when to tear down and when to build up. We trust You.

We pray and release all of this in the name of Jesus.

Our decree:

We decree that the unraveling of evil schemes in America will continue, darkness will be exposed, and truth will prevail.

Click on the link below to watch the full video.


  1. James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 359.

  2. Ibid., ref. no. 3089

  3. Spiros Zodhiates, Hebrew-Greek Key Study Bible–New American Standard (Chattanooga, TN: AMG Publishers, 1984: revised edition, 1990), p. 1583.

1 Comment

Jul 10, 2024

Pray and proclaim that chaos will reign among the enemies' leaders—infighting, confusion, dismantling of their power, complete destruction, and internal discord leading to their downfall. They will create their own snares and face self-destruction.

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