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July 22, 2024

Finish the Job!

I write and record each Give Him 15 post the work day before it is released. Therefore, today’s post, Monday, was written and recorded on Friday. The RNC convention ended the night before, Biden had been diagnosed with Covid, and calls were being made for his withdrawal from the campaign. By the time you hear or read this, it is entirely possible that Biden will no longer be the dems presidential candidate. 

I stated on June 28, the day following the now-famous debate:

“Was the embarrassment of Biden’s Thursday night [debate] performance part of a plan to replace him? I’ve repeatedly said that I don’t believe Biden will be on the ticket in November. That isn’t prophecy, just an educated opinion and a feeling I have. I’ve felt that with his rapid decline, he could not continue to fool Americans enough to be reelected and remain the puppet of the puppeteers behind the curtain. BUT THESE MANAGERS HAVE NO INTENTION OF STEPPING ASIDE. When seeing Biden’s freefall, was this debate the beginning of their replacement plan? Perhaps.

“If so, will Biden continue cooperating with those in control and step aside at the most fortuitous time for the replacement to be inserted?

“Or, has he, in his demented state, bullish nature, and tremendous arrogance, convinced himself that he is fit and up to the job? Has he now rebelled against his handlers? He says he isn’t stepping down; this, of course, could simply be part of the plan to wait for the right time.

“If Biden does buck those in charge, what will they do? They DO have a plan. And they WON’T willingly give up power. Biden is unelectable and WILL be removed, unless they have a plan or crisis prepared with which to take the election in some other way.

“…I am blatantly stating these things to emphasize that we must keep praying. The powers trying to overthrow America are not finished. I say again, they have a plan. Part of that plan has been to destroy and/or defeat Trump, one of the few people in the world who can withstand their attacks…”

Then came the assassination attempt on Trump. I’m not accusing anyone other than satan and the shooter for that; time will tell if anyone else was involved. But certainly, demonic forces are involved in the plan to destroy America, and this attempt to take Trump’s life was part of their plan. 

What can we expect now? I am not prophesying the following; just telling you what I believe is coming. The most hellish assault yet on Trump and conservative voices will occur over the next 3.5 months by the left. Participants in these attacks will include government (including the deep state), media, some in the entertainment world, globalists, and certain foreign governments. The assault will include lies, distortion, slander, and more. 

Violence and unrest in America will also increase. This will include riots, possibly terrorism, and yes, I feel there could be more attempts to assassinate conservative leaders, including Supreme Court justices. Heightened security whenever and wherever possible, and great vigilance are advisable. Evil people, aided by evil spiritual forces, will pull out all the stops to end America’s turnaround. Attempts to generate fear among the people and silence key voices will be part of the demonic strategy. 

And I believe Biden will now be replaced on the ticket, perhaps even as the current President. He is not running the country anyway, and the number one concern of those who are, is power. Their strategy will not be formulated by determining what is best for America; it will only be “How do we stay in power?”

Now, what should WE do? Apart from our civic duties, we must continue to pray, and increase prayer. The tendency of humans, including believers, is to place their trust in people rather than God. This often occurs subconsciously - without us even realizing it. We must not do this. I wholeheartedly believe Donald Trump and those he surrounds himself with will work hard to do everything he promised. But he/they CANNOT do it without God’s supernatural help. By Trump’s own admission - and which has now been clearly seen - he cannot even stay alive without God’s protective hand. “Unless the Lord builds a house, They who build it labor in vain; Unless the Lord guards a city, The watchman stays awake in vain” (Psalm 127:1 NASB).

Should we be moved by fear? Absolutely not! We are winning the battle for America’s soul and destiny, and we will prevail!

“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You have anointed my head with oil; My cup overflows. Certainly goodness and faithfulness will follow me all the days of my life, And my dwelling will be in the house of the Lord forever.” (Ps.23:4-6 NASB)

I am preaching diligence, not fear; offense, not defense; advancement, not retreat. Protective precautions need not be fear-based; they are simply prudent. As I have stated many times: prayer is saving America and generating a worldwide harvest. Now, we must finish well. 

In 2 Kings 13, Joash, king of Israel spoke with the prophet Elisha. Paraphrasing the passage, Elisha told him, “All is well. You are poised to completely defeat your enemies. Now, do one final prophetic act for me: strike the ground with these arrows.”

The king struck the ground three times. Elisha’s attitude changed immediately; he was irate. “You should have struck it 5 or 6 times! I’m changing my prediction - you WON’T completely destroy them.”

Notice that the prophet had not been given an exact number of times the king should have struck the ground - “five or six” - he said. It was not a number he was looking for, but an attitute. The king did not possess a tenacious, finishing mindset. He had a “that’s good enough” mindset, a “just enough to get by” attitude. Elisha knew it wasn’t what was needed. 

We must keep striking in intercession! We must. 

Finish the job, President Trump! Finish the job, leaders in Washington! And finish the job, praying church! 

Pray with me:

Father, we look to You and You alone for victory in this hour of history. We have put our hands to the plow, and we will not turn back. We thank You for warriors like Trump, now we ask You to strengthen him. Protect him. He was born for such a time as this, but so were we, the watchmen You have raised up to generate the spiritual power needed for the natural tasks. Our Founders knew it was only through their appeals to heaven that they could succeed. We know this, as well. And so we ask:

Release Your fire. 

Release Your power. 

Release Your wind and rain. 

Release Your wisdom and strategy. 

Release Your revelation and discernment. 

Release the white horse Rider. 

Release Your angels. 

Release Your cleansing.

Release a finishing anointing to the Ekklesia. 

Release miracles. 

Release revival. 

Save America, and save billions around the world. 

As always, we pray in the authority of Yeshua. Amen. 

Our decree:

We decree that we will not grow complacent or place our trust in man to turn around our nation. We will keep our faith anchored in God and finish well.

Click on the link below to watch the full video.


Jul 23

I've been reading Isaiah and am in Jeremiah now... it's like reading word for word what is being lived out in America! I keep hearing leaders and pastors say PRAY PRAY PRAY... which of course we must do... But I hear no mention of REPENT REPENT REPENT! Israel thought they were "protected" because they were God's chosen people... America thinks we're God's country... but Jeremiah 8 - no one repented! WE NEED TO REPENT... THEN pray!

Replying to

Blessings to you. Also read Daniel Chapter 9.


God's will be done, not our will, unless our will is in align with God's will. America will be saved.


Ezekiel 26:1-6 LSB (adapted)

Now it happened in the eleventh year, on the first of the month, that the word of Yahweh came to me saying, [2] “Son of man, because [the global DS] has said concerning [God’s people], ‘Aha, the gateway of the peoples is broken; it has opened to me. I shall be filled, now that she is laid waste,’ [3] therefore thus says Lord Yahweh, ‘Behold, I am against you, O [DS], and I will bring up many nations against you, as the sea brings up its waves. [4] They will make the walls of [the DS] a ruin and pull down her towers; and I will scrape her dust from her and make her a bare…


Dutch, what about that dream in the oval office where someone says, “take your seat Madam President.“ Wasn’t it Kamala Harris? And then a big lion was guarding the desk?



Jul 22

Finishing well requires a lot of rubbing America with prayer and decrees!

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