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July 25, 2024

Sieges Are Becoming “Suddenlies”

“When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly, a noise like a violent rushing wind came from heaven, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. And tongues that looked like fire appeared to them, distributing themselves, and a tongue rested on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with different tongues, as the Spirit was giving them the ability to speak out.” (Acts 2:1-4 NASB)

I have heard quite a few sermons over the years about God’s “suddenlies.” This, of course, is not a proper word; the correct wording would be “sudden occurrences.” But that wouldn’t work as well for the sermons. The above passage describing Holy Spirit’s sudden outpouring on the day of Pentecost is often given as an example. These sudden God-happenings are wonderful when they occur unless, of course, they are judgments of some sort, as occurred at Sodom (Genesis 19). Paul’s Damascus Road conversion was a “suddenly” (Acts 9), as was Holy Spirit being poured out on the Gentiles (Acts 10). We could mention others from scripture.

A few years back, however, I was surprised when Holy Spirit, playing on this coined word used in our sermonizing, said, “Suddenlies are not actually suddenlies.” (He does things like this to me!) After getting my attention and allowing me a few moments to untangle my brain, Holy Spirit began unpacking His statement. The dots were already there; He connected them. When we experience sudden breakthroughs or actions of God which seem sudden - and the acts themselves can indeed take place suddenly - there have typically been periods of faith-filled prayer and perseverance that caused them. As oxymoronic as it seems, ‘suddenlies’ are, indeed, caused by sieges.

Sieges, of course, take time…as do reaping, investing, building, training, learning, and many other worthwhile endeavors.

  • A sudden break in a dam is really “a crack left untreated over time.”

  • A 5-minute Gold Medal ceremony might be better defined as a “Gallons of Sweat and Years of Sacrifice” presentation;

  • A silo filled with grain in a relatively short time frame is actually “a farmer’s lack of sleep, calloused hands, and months of hard work” tower.

You get the point. What we call “suddenlies” are usually the last chapters of “sieges;” breakthroughs are typically the end result of fighting the good fight of faith (1 Timothy 6:12), and most answers to prayer are conclusions to a season of intercession. It is ridiculous and saddening when I hear people, especially leaders, imply that national breakthroughs and changes occur because of their prayer meeting or conference. I’ve been guilty of this in times past, which I regret. Millions of past prayers are producing today’s breakthroughs.

Some things simply can’t be rushed…and they often don’t come easily. Our generation has been programmed to expect easy procedures and quick results—microwaved processes. But remember that the prepared-from-scratch meal tastes better and costs more than the microwaved sandwich at the local convenience store. Better is worth the wait.

Certainly, I have seen breakthroughs occur after only minutes or hours of prayer, but more often than not, I’ve experienced “suddenlies” after weeks, months, or years of praying. Timing is often one of the determining factors. God sometimes synchronizes breakthroughs with what He is doing on a larger scale, as He did with Abraham and Sarah. Isaac was born not when they wanted, but when God’s plan was ready for him. The healing of the man at Gate Beautiful was timed to confirm Christ was the now-risen Messiah.

Where America and her restoration are concerned, we are also moving into a season of breakthrough. God has been working through the prayers of the church, synchronizing many aspects of His plans, including the exposing of evil. “Suddenlies” have begun. The greatest shakings and exposures are still to come, however, as Holy Spirit undoes 60 years of leftist, socialistic, and humanistic ideology. 

Consider the following:

  • The hatred of one man has been used to suddenly expose a 60-year buildup of corruption in our government.

  • A month ago, on June 27, the Trump-Biden debate confirmed Biden’s dementia to the world and suddenly - in one night - ended a 50-year political career of lies and deceit.

  • Two weeks later, on July 13, a former President and current presidential candidate was shot and miraculously spared. Not since 1981 - 43 years ago - has this occurred.

  • A week ago, a sitting United States President suddenly went into hiding. During that time, he was forced from the upcoming election—ignoring the voters in the Democratic primary—and his replacement was chosen by others. (So much for democracy!)

  • On Tuesday of this week, the Director of the Secret Service resigned due to numerous failures of the agency during the assassination attempt on Trump. Suddenly, the insanity of DEI and other leftist ideologies are front and center.

  • This week, the leader of our greatest ally in the Middle East arrived in the U.S. to the news that over 80 members of Congress will ignore protocol and refuse to listen as he addresses them. And suddenly, it is revealed that the votes of antisemites across the nation and Muslims in MN and MI mean more than loyalty to allies. (Unlike Kamala, the new Democratic candidate and her friends who chose not to attend, I highly recommend you find and listen to yesterday’s incredibly moving speech.) 

  • And a “hillbilly” from my hometown has been nominated to be the next Vice President! 

Prayer and faith “sieges” for America are indeed becoming “suddenlies.” Please believe me when I say the chaos and shaking will continue and intensify. America is about to get a bath, a scrubbing is probably more appropriate, followed by a hell-shaking revival of unprecedented proportions.

Salvations, deliverances, healings, Holy Spirit outpourings, regional transformations, and more will occur. Many bowls of prayer are full or nearly so (Revelation 5:8; 8:3); faith and endurance sieges are about to bear fruit; and numerous promises are approaching their appointed times (Galatians 6:9).

Prayers and decrees must continue, however, until the finish line is crossed. I cannot emphasize strongly enough that we must be faithful in this season, all the way to the end. Keep praying and believing—our “due season” is near (Galatians 6:9).

Pray with me:

Father, during this time, we draw on the fruit of the spirit You call “perseverance.” We will gather to pray, be faithful in our personal prayer times, and continue to release a symphony of intercession across this land. Help us to accomplish this. Remind us that when we have done what You instructed, You WILL do as You said and heal our land. Persevering and waiting are not forever; breakthroughs, even “suddenlies,” are coming. You told us, “You have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God, you may receive what was promised” (Hebrews 10:36 NASB). We have endurance, we shall persevere, and we shall receive.

We ask You for miracles and breakthroughs regarding our families, our health, our cities, and our nations. We ask for our nation’s government to be cleansed of corruption. We ask for our children to be rescued from leaders and educators who want to mutilate them and steal their future. We ask that America be cleansed from demonic influence. We ask for fire to fall on our churches, revival in our schools, and rivers of living water to flow in our streets. 

We boldly declare that we are Caleb’s—we have persevered. Now, Lord, give us our mountain! In Christ’s name, Amen.

Our decree:

We decree that sieges are becoming “suddenlies!”

Click on the link below to watch the full video.


My family and I just drove through part of the Appalacian Mountains this past weekend.


Hallelujah 🙌


Amen and amen! After 9/11 Holy Spirit added to my prayer time to pray, I thank you, Lord Jehovah God, for having mercy upon my nation, for your tender mercies and loving kindness endures forever. When Tim Sheets was in Washington DC awhile back an Angel passed by him saying the word "mercy" over and over. I smiled when I heard about it, I knew I was being shown my prayer in action.


Jul 25

Thanks for your inspiring word. It so much easier to read with new fonts. 🇺🇸 USA will be saved. Amen. 🙏🏼


Same town my grandfather is from too!

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