Wake Up My Warriors
The past year and a half have been difficult for many. It is almost as though hell has pulled out all the stops in an effort to hinder what God is about to do. Satan’s way of altering God’s appointed times (zeman) and decrees (dath) is by “wearing down” (bela) the church, those through whom God works (see Daniel 7:25). The word bela (“wear down”) is only used in a mental or emotional sense, not physical. It means to harass continually, wearing away a person’s mental and emotional endurance. Satan has been working diligently to do this. Holy Spirit wants to refresh you. He wants you to know He - and therefore, we - are winning. And will win! Our friend Gina Gholston, an author and strong prophetic voice, shares a powerful word regarding this.
“I once had a vision in where I saw an army of people spread throughout a field, lying on the ground. They were dressed in what I would describe as biblical era army attire. These soldiers appeared to be dead, although, in my spirit, I knew they were not dead. I heard Holy Spirit say, ‘They are exhausted.’ All of a sudden, a sound was released, and immediately every soldier was renewed with strength, simultaneously stood to their feet, and was ready to move. I then heard a voice speak to me loudly and adamantly, ‘Wake up the warriors!’
“I was scheduled to speak at a conference in a couple of days, so I thought maybe the purpose of the vision was to give me a sermon and prophetic directive for the upcoming meeting. But the Lord said to me, ‘I am not giving you a sermon; I am giving you a mandate: Wake up My warriors!’
For countless people, the last year and a half has been one of the most difficult seasons they have ever faced. I hear this everywhere I go. And it’s not just from Covid; there have been many things coming at them, seemingly from every direction - spiritually, emotionally, financially, physically. The pressures of the last season have left many feeling discouraged and completely exhausted. But the wind is blowing, the tide is beginning to turn, and God is awakening His church. Perk up your spiritual ears and listen for His sound! Some have been lulled to sleep by pressures and distractions. Others have worn themselves out with other struggles (some necessary, some not so much). But we have entered an entirely new era, and everything is changing.
“The Lord says:
There is nothing that has been done that cannot be undone, and there is nothing that has been lost that cannot be found! So, shake the dust off. It is time to get refocused, realigned, and repositioned. Rise above the distractions, hear the sound of the new era, stand up on your feet, and be ready to move!
“This is an urgent time, and we must not hesitate! It is as though I can see the Lord walking through America and hear Him calling,
My Church, My Church, where are you? Come out of hiding! Awake,
awake! Be clothed in My strength. Be clothed with My glory! Hear and respond obediently to My sound echoing through this time, declaring awakening to My body. Though you were dead yet you shall live, and through you, I will now reveal My manifested glory. Arise! Take your place. Watch and be amazed by what I will do in days ahead through My awakened body.
“Last year, I had a dream where I was in a large stadium, playing baseball. Our team was winning in a very big way, but didn’t know they were winning! The game had been long, and everyone was extremely tired. We had runners on first and second bases, and our next hitter came up to bat. When the ball was pitched, our hitter slammed it deep into the outfield. As our runners began running to second and third bases, the opposing team’s third baseman was waving his hands in an attempt to distract and misguide the runners. He was saying, ‘Just skip third base and go on to home plate. You’re exhausted, and there’s no way we can catch up to your score, so just give yourself a break. Don’t even go to third base; just go on home.’
“I was in the dugout, and instantly realized what was happening. We were winning, and there was no way they could catch up to our score, and they knew it! The only way they could possibly win was by a technicality, so they were trying to play to our weariness and emotions, tricking us into an action that would cause us to forfeit the game.
“I ran out onto the field and was yelling at the top of my lungs, ‘Keep going! Do not cut corners now! We are winning, and they know it! The only way they can beat us is by a technicality, so keep going! We’re winning! We are winning!’
“Church, this is not the time to be weary in our well-doing! (see Galatians 6:9) This is the time to ‘Rise up in splendor and be radiant, for your light has dawned, and Yahweh’s glory now streams from you! Look carefully! Darkness blankets the earth, and thick gloom covers the nations, but Yahweh arises upon you and the brightness of His glory appears over you!’ (Isaiah 60:1-2 TPT) The enemy would have us believe that America can’t be saved. But God has declared that ‘America shall be saved!’ He has prophesied that we will experience another, greater awakening, and though we may be tired, we’re winning! ‘The Glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and every eye shall see it, for the mouth of the Lord has spoken it’ (Isaiah 40:5).
“At the sound of His voice, the army of the Lord is rising from discouragement, confusion, exhaustion, and complacency. God is reviving us! Just as Jesus’ physical body awakened and rose from the tomb, so His body (His church) is arising, and in the strength and power of Yahweh, Christ’s resurrected body will now shake and awaken this nation and the world.”
“‘Let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not’ (Galatians 6:9). This is not the season for weariness; this is the era for reaping. God has spoken, and He will watch over His word to perform it! (Jeremiah 1:12) This is our ‘due season,’ so keep running. Don’t stop. Don’t cut corners. God is with us, and we are winning. It may not yet look like it, but we are winning!”
Pray with me:
Father, we hear Your clarion call. It’s a call to action. We rise and take our place as Your governing body, to decree and enforce Your verdicts for America. We shake off weariness and the exhaustion of the past season. We find renewed strength in the power of Your might. We refuse to succumb to the attempts of hell that have been sent to distract and misguide us. We are winning, and we will not stop! We have faith in You! We will run Your set course with endurance, and by the power of Your Spirit working in and through us, we will see Your will and intentions for our times established, just as You have purposed! In Jesus’ name and authority, we pray and decree this. Amen!
Our decree:
We are God’s awakened warriors! We will not back up, and we will not stop until we see God’s kingdom come and His will be done on earth even as it is in heaven.
Portions of today’s post were contributed by Gina Gholston. You can find out more about Gina here.
Click on the link below to watch full prayer.