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June 25, 2021

God Wants to Heal History

God has adjusted my life many times - my heart, my thinking, my direction, even my hopes and dreams. He also adjusts nations. That was the purpose of the (2003-2004) 50-State Tour - adjustments and realignments.

There is a fascinating word in the New Testament, katartizo, that relates to healing history. It means “to adjust; to put a thing in its appropriate position.”1 In scripture, the word is used in the context of mending nets (see Matthew 4:21), repairing schisms or relational breaks (see 1 Corinthians 1:10), and even restoring broken lives (see Galatians 6:1). The word has also been used to describe the restoration of a dislocated joint or a broken bone. So, as you can see, the concept of this word involves proper alignment (including realignment, resulting in healing or restoration).

It should come, then, as no surprise that God uses the word to describe the proper alignment of the seasons of time. In other words, He declares His future plans for the nations and peoples of the earth. Hebrews 11:3 says, in its more literal and accurate rendering, that the “ages” (Greek- aiones) were “properly aligned or connected” (Greek - katartizo) by the word or decree of the Lord. In other words, God decreed - in advance - His plans for the ages.

At times, however, breaches occur that cause the need for corrections in this flow of history. Simply stated, history needs to be healed. Whether it be on a corporate level, such as the fall of humanity, wars, racial division, etc., or on a more individual level in the sense of broken relationships, loss, etc., the fact is that history often needs to be healed. This corporate level of healing is what is referred to in verses such as Isaiah 58:12: “Those from among you will rebuild the ancient ruins; you will raise up the age-old foundations; and you will be called the repairer of the breach, the restorer of the streets in which to dwell” (NASB). (See also Isaiah 61:4.) This would also be the concept spoken of in 2 Chronicles 7:14: “[If] My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land” (NASB).

God, the holy Chiropractor of history, heals its dislocations. He katartiszos the aiones. This occurs through repentance, reconciliation, forgiveness, prayer, fasting, prophetic decrees, and other biblical actions, all of which are effective because of the blood of His Son, Jesus Christ.

It came as no surprise, therefore, to Chuck Pierce and me when the Lord spoke to us often on the 50-State Tour to katartizo - shift or adjust - a state back into its God-appointed purpose and destiny. Due to the positive effects of past prayer, fasting, repentance, etc., on the part of many, it was time for the fruit of these actions to occur: realignment...repairing...rebuilding...restoring...healing. We could stand in the gap for our land in order to see it healed rather than destroyed (see Ezekiel 22:30-31); broken places could be katartiszo-ed - realigned spiritually - with the plan and purposes of God. (Taken from the book, Releasing the Prophetic Destiny of A Nation)

This week we have posted twice about praying for our states. We asked you to use the legal mottos of your state to declare God’s purpose over it. Today, I want to add one more thought to this. Did you know that God is mentioned in every state’s Constitution Preamble? The Left contends that we are not a Christian nation and never have been. “Facts,” however, as John Adams once said, “are stubborn things.”2

I am including a link to portions of all 50 states’ preambles where God is mentioned. I am suggesting that you add to decreeing the legal motto of your state, and declare what is said about Him in its Constitution. Pray it. Agree with it. Some of the statements are simply giving God thanks. However, praise and thanksgiving are powerful - use the words to thank Him for restoring and moving by His Spirit in your state. While doing so, ask Him to realign - katartizo - your state to Him. (You can find each state’s constitutional preamble in its entirety here.)

In today’s post, I also want to thank God for answering a specific prayer we have offered on Give Him 15. In a sweeping attempt to overhaul the nation’s election system, this week the proposed bill “For The People Act” (H.R.1/S.1) was defeated. While the bill was named “For the People Act,” it did not serve ALL of America’s people. It was an attempt to codify into law several of the harmful actions that brought chaos, confusion and illegal activities into the 2020 elections. It’s goal was to federalize our American elections. The Washington Times said, “While the immediate cause of death was a Republican-led filibuster, the legislation, which sprawled across more than 800 pages of text and would have overridden state election laws across the country collapsed under the weight of its own liberal tilt.”3

You can read more about this huge answer to prayer in the Washington Times article or the Epoch Times article. Please join me in giving thanks for this victory. We must continue to pray that God will give our nation many leaders who lead with integrity and stand for all Americans, not just a few. We need those in Washington whose beliefs line up with God’s word. Use your prayers; use your vote.

Pray with me:

Father, we thank You for forming this nation as a beacon of light, a city on a hill for You. As the leaders of each state wrote into their own constitutions, an acknowledgement of and dependence upon You, we give thanks for all of our leaders. We pray for those who diligently acknowledge reliance upon You and Your statutes, for only through our trust in You will we see America’s destiny fulfilled. Use our prayers, Lord. Fill the bowls of heaven with them as we cry out for the changes You desire and that line up with Your word.

We boldly ask You to bless our nation and bring a sweeping revival - an awakening that will touch every soul. Come, Holy Spirit, sweep across our land. We invite You into our states and make our reverential decrees.

Our decree:

I decree that we, the people of (add your state here), put our trust in Almighty God and will rely upon Him, alone.

NOTE: There will not be a Saturday or Sunday Give Him 15 but we will resume again on Monday, June 28th.


  1. Spiro Zodhiates, Hebrew-Greek Key Word Study Bible, New American Standard Bible (Chattanooga, TN: AMG Publishers, 1977), p 1846.




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