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March 3, 2025

Ornate Vessels and Vile Pottage

I have been sensing that more exposure of corruption is coming in our government, at even greater levels than we have seen thus far. I also feel that President Trump and his team are about to make some very bold moves; again, more so than he has yet done. I am hearing from other leaders who are confirming this. One of those leaders senses that something significant is going to occur this week. 

The Lord recently reminded Gina Gholston of a word she received a year ago, which is certainly coming to pass. It speaks of exposing evil and healing our nation. She feels the exposure it speaks of will continue. Here is that word:

“The shroud and veil are being torn. What has bound and blocked will now be removed. I am pouring in the oil and wine of My Spirit to revive and re-life. What has been left for dead will now live, and freedom and light will prevail as I arise in and through My awakened body, the church. 

“I have said, ‘Don’t count Me out!’ I am not finished with the work I have begun. I will finish it! I will turn things around. 

“Feel the ground shake, but do not fear. Resurrection is happening. Hold fast to the faith that has been developed in you. It is a steadfast anchor that will not allow you to be removed. I will unearth hidden things . . . root systems that have kept evil agendas alive . . . and once I remove their source, I will pull them up and there will be sudden death to those agendas. Hear Me, I am removing their source, drying up their funds, and confusing their communications. 

“‘How can this happen?’ they will say! Terror will fill their hearts at the recognition of their halted and exposed operations. 

“The tilt is coming. I will overturn the kettle, and expose the vile pottage hidden in ‘ornate vessels’. A gullible focus on and submission to these ornate vessels has caused many to be captured and slowly poisoned by the carefully measured portions of propaganda and deception that have been ‘spoon-fed’ to them. Yet, they will be overwhelmed with shock and awe as I open their eyes to see beyond the ornate vessels and reveal to them the vile pottage. I will put a bitter taste in their mouths, and they will become frighteningly aware of the hidden ingredients contained in that which they once voluntarily consumed. Some will be overcome by great fear at the realization.  

“Yes, I will deal with the root and expose the hidden things. But I will not leave you hopeless. I will replace the vile with the precious. I will pour in the wine and oil of My Spirit, and those who receive that which comes from Me will live. I will say to them, ‘Fear not! I am Healer. I am Deliverer. Humble yourself. Pray. Turn from your wicked ways. Seek Me, and I will be your Help and I will heal your land.’

“Shaking, breaking, uprooting . . . sudden death to an evil agenda. The swirl of My justice is beginning to spin. This is not to be feared. It will uncover, reveal, and expose so that life can come. Freedom…Light…Truth…I will prevail.”

This has obviously proven to be accurate, and what it speaks of will continue. 

I have been reflecting on the word Holy Spirit gave me in July of 2021. I knew that in allowing the election of 2020 to be stolen, God had a plan to expose and judge corruption in our government. Then the Lord led me to Exodus 14, where Yahweh rolled back the Red Sea for Israel and destroyed Pharaoh’s army. The first two verses of this chapter begin laying out the audacious plan of Yahweh. “Now the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, ‘Tell the sons of Israel to turn back and camp in front of Pi-hahiroth, between Migdol and the sea; you shall camp in front of Baal-zephon, opposite it, by the sea’” (Exodus 14:1-2).

God wanted us to realize that HE chose the place for this dramatic Red Sea encounter, even though the meandering and rerouting of Israel gave Pharaoh the perception that they were confused and disoriented, wandering aimlessly in the desert. And geographically speaking, this “wandering” did indeed have them “trapped,” hemmed in by mountains, the sea and Pharaoh’s army. I will now destroy these Israelites with the help of my most powerful god, Baal-zephon, Pharaoh thought. However, God, the all-wise strategist, orchestrated events to accomplish HIS plan. 

As mentioned, Baal-zephon was one of the gods of Egypt. It was believed that Zephon had great power and was lord over the wind and sea. And…he was the only Egyptian god Yahweh had not yet exposed and judged during the 10 plagues and Israel’s deliverance. Scott Lancer, in an article for Associates for Biblical Research, (Confronting Baal Zephon: The Spiritual Message of the Meeting of Israel and the Armies of Egypt) says, “Let us remember that God had been triumphing over not only Pharaoh and the Egyptians, but also the supposed power of their gods. The plagues were a drumbeat of victory as the gods of Egypt were, one by one, displayed to be impotent and powerless. And even more importantly, Yahweh wanted the Egyptians to know that He is the Lord” (14:4).(1)

Pharaoh believed that his god was more powerful than Yahweh. He supposed that Baal-zephon had caused Israel’s confusion, led them into a trap, and would now aid him in destroying them - right in front of the high place named for him! “How brilliant!” he was thinking.

Yahweh had other plans. He would demonstrate that HE was the Lord of the wind and sea, not Zephon. He would not lead Israel AROUND the sea; Yahweh would actually lead His people THROUGH this sea, the Egyptians believed Zephon controlled. And rather than Israel being destroyed, it would be Pharaoh and the Egyptian army…in front of their “exposed” god!

Through this amazing passage, the Lord spoke to me in 2021 that it pictured what was occurring in America. It appeared that we had lost, that “the god of this world” (2 Corinthians 4:4) had outsmarted and overpowered our God, and satan had fully taken over our nation. But as is so often eloquently stated, “It ain’t over ‘til it’s over.”

The wind is now blowing, the waters have parted, and Baal, along with his worshipers, is being exposed. The D.C. sewage is being smelled by the entire world. Run by crooks, liars, arrogant politicians, corrupt bureaucrats and phony patriots, its “ornate vessels” filled with “vile pottage” are now being uncovered. Some will finally see the evil of those they have followed, as Gina’s word indicated, and turn around. Others will drown in the sea of deception. I pray many of them will turn and be saved. 

Pray with me:

Father, You said in Gina’s word that You would “deal with the root and expose the hidden things. I will not leave you hopeless. I will replace the vile with the precious. I will pour in the wine and oil of My Spirit, and those who receive that which comes from Me will live. I will say to them, ‘Fear not! I am Healer. I am Deliverer. Humble yourself. Pray. Turn from your wicked ways. Seek Me, and I will be your Help and I will heal your land.’”

You also said, “Shaking, breaking, uprooting. . .sudden death to an evil agenda. The swirl of My justice is beginning to spin. This is not to be feared. It will uncover, reveal, and expose so that life can come. Freedom. . .Light. . .Truth. . .I will prevail.” We know these things are occurring and we thank You. 

Whatever else transpires, we are confident You are moving through our prayers. We will not be shaken; we will not fear. Please continue to do as You said, tearing the shroud and ripping the veil. “Unearth hidden things . . . root systems that have kept evil agendas alive . . . and remove their source. Pull them up and bring sudden death to those agendas, drying up their funds and confusing their communications.” Then pour in the oil and wine. So be it!

Our decree:

We decree that the veil of darkness and evil is being torn off of America, and the light of truth is shining. 

Click on the link below to watch the full video.




Unknown member
3 days ago

Amen! As I read this uncovering I was reminded of previous posts with the root system demons being exposed and confronted with the tamarask staff! It all ties together!


Sandy Harrisson
Sandy Harrisson
3 days ago

Dutch, your message today immediately brought to my mind a prophesy I heard almost five years ago that resonated with me at that time... God was exposing the vile hidden things like what happens on a shore before a tidal wave; that the force coming draws the waters back in a rush so fast that the creatures under the waters are exposed on the sea floor...I knew that it was true, which gave me hope to see the boldness of the evil of the past four years as a warning that a tidal wave of God's renewing righteous power was imminent to come crashing down on top...


Unknown member
3 days ago

Thanks for your warning as well as your comforting words regarding our future... God is not surprised at anything the enemy may try to do, because He has the final word... Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth, as it is in Heaven... Dan P


Jane Carlson
Jane Carlson
3 days ago

Thank you Dutch for reading the "war room of God" and activating the King of kings angel hosts and His warrior intercessors...The One we call the true Almighty God!


Kathy Wenzel
Kathy Wenzel
3 days ago

I also have been feeling greater and greater expectancy every morning lately. Our God is on the move and being part of the prayer movement to seek His will and support His intervention is a great blessing. What a magnificent God and Holy God we serve!

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