The Files Are Being Discovered
In yesterday’s post, I said: “I have been sensing that more exposure of corruption is coming in our government, at even greater levels than we have seen thus far. I also feel that President Trump and his team are about to make some very bold moves; again, more so than he has yet done. I am hearing from other leaders who are confirming this. One of those leaders senses that something significant will occur this week.”
I continue to feel this. These feelings were not initiated by what occurred in the Oval Office with Zelenskyy on Friday. They began in me a week or more ago. Will these bold moves by Trump and his team be related to this historical meeting in some way? Perhaps–this disagreement will influence much of what takes place on the world stage in the near future, and America will play a great role in this. However, I do not feel that the moves I’m sensing were generated by the meeting.
What I’m about to say is only a feeling I have, a sense, not a word from the Lord. Why share it if it’s only a guess? 1) Because I’m asking you to pray; and 2) if they bring turmoil, I don’t want you to be alarmed - God is at work. I believe something has been discovered by President Trump’s team (or several things), and is about to be shared, that will shake Washington, D.C., to its core.
At least three words from the Lord have been given to trusted individuals over the past couple of years which speak of God exposing incriminating “files” in our government. This may or may not refer to actual files; more than likely it simply refers to proof of corruption, regardless of the form in which it is found.
In January of 2024, Gina Gholston was given a dream (which I included in a post) where people were attempting to shred files in the White House. These people were stopped before they could do so, and were arrested.
In July of last year, our friend Shirley Strand was given a vision regarding “files.” Here is a portion of what she said: “I saw government file cabinets all over D.C. and elsewhere. They were flung open and documents were flying out, multiple documents…God is exposing, big time. The Lord spoke to me and said ‘the cup of evil is full. Now I will stand up and deal with these people - I gave them time to repent, and they would not.’”
The phrase “the cup of iniquity is full” relates to Genesis 15:16, in which the Lord promises Abraham the land of Canaan a second time. In this declaration God said that He would wait, however, until the sins of the Canaanites reached a level requiring their judgment. God knew this level of sin was coming, yet in His justice He waited until it had occurred. In Shirley’s vision, He stated that “the cup of evil was full” for many in our government.
Lastly, in 2022, my brother Tim Sheets had a dream involving files which he knew represented the uncovering of corruption in our government. Tim said:
“I saw a very old, gray file cabinet, maybe four feet high. I somehow knew it was owned or was associated with a very prominent American family. This file cabinet was filled to capacity, crammed full with folders. Two men were flipping through all of the files, obviously looking for something. When they had looked through every file in the top drawer, they shook their head, not finding what they were looking for. They did the same with all four drawers, still not finding what they were looking for.
“Then, one of them said, ‘Let’s just take all the folders out of all the drawers. Let’s empty this file cabinet.’ And they began taking out all the files, stacking them up. As they did so, the man said, ‘Well, look here; there are files lying flat at the bottom of the drawers. They must have been hidden by all these other files that were standing up.’
“They pulled out these hidden files lying flat in the drawer, and shortly there after, one of them held up a file and declared, ‘This is what we’ve been looking for. Here it is.’
“At that point in the dream, the scene shifted, and the file cabinet transformed into a very large computer with an extra-large screen. As I viewed the screen, an image appeared and filled the screen. The image was of a very long line of dominoes, in the shape of an ‘S’. I knew it represented a snake. And as I watched, the last domino of the ‘snake’ began to slowly tip until it fell against the next domino. And of course, all the dominoes began to fall, one after the other, until the head was eventually knocked down.”
I believe the significant uncovering of corruption mentioned in these dreams and visions has begun, and is about to reach a new level of accomplishment. When this occurs, justice will be severe. President Trump is in no mood to go easy on the corruption in our government, for several legitimate reasons: Firstly, he loves America and truly desires to turn it around, as do those working with him.
Secondly, for almost 10 years, the Left and America’s deep state have viciously and unjustly tried to destroy Trump, his family, and his associates. They hate and fear him because of the level of threat he has become to them. This hatred and fear generated unparalleled attempts to destroy and humiliate him. Trump is determined and ready to dole out justice.
Thirdly, the President wants his legacy to be “the person who was used to save America.” I believe he has accepted the prophecies stating God has chosen him to do this, and that this has added to his determination. And at his age - and in his last term of office - Trump has nothing to lose. I feel that he wants to finish his time on earth by accomplishing his greatest achievement: transforming America to greatness again and recapturing her destiny of being a force for good throughout the earth.
I believe “files” have been found, or will be very soon. And now that key positions on President Trump’s team are in place, look for the real action to begin…for dominoes to begin falling. I wouldn’t be surprised if something significant isn’t mentioned regarding this in tonight’s speech to Congress.
If I’m wrong about the timing, so be it. I am confident, however, that these exposures are coming–the files will be discovered, and the dominoes will fall. Let’s pray about this now.
Pray with me:
Father, You have protected and preserved the evidence that will expose significant evil and corruption in our government. We ask You to tip the dominoes until the head of the serpent is destroyed. The perpetrators believe they have covered their tracks and buried the evidence, but You have preserved the “files.” You have given individuals much time to repent; they have chosen instead to persevere in their evil ways. Many cups of iniquity are now full. Take action.
We ask for mercy wherever possible - You alone have the perfect blend of justice and mercy. Save and redeem, cleanse and restore, uncover and expose. We pray that wisdom, skill, and supernatural help be given to those responsible for discovery and prosecution. Bring forth whistleblowers with evidence, lead individuals to the right files, and restore integrity to America. Heal our nation and right the ship.
We pray for America, Ukraine, Russia, Europe, the Middle East, and all the earth, “Thy kingdom come! Thy will be done, as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10). Save and deliver, end suffering, remove evil leaders. We believe the earth is ripe for another great awakening; send it now, we pray.
Protect our nation’s leaders and their families. We pray for all of this in Jesus’ name.
Our decree:
We decree that the files will be found, and the dominoes will fall.
Click on the link below to watch the full video.
Thank you Dutch! Are you, your family and/or staff being affected by the South Carolina fires?
Thank you, Father, that the time of reckoning has come! The current leaders have the files they need and are waiting for the right time to activate and cut off the head of the snake. They (Trump and his undercover team) have been working the past four years for the right time to pursue and recover all! All the military codes were the directives in this takedown operation. As in the days of Enoch the 200 evil watchers colluded against God and His Kingdom, we are seeing the 200 generals who came together with Trump to take down the evil alignments of our day...God is leading His army the (Body of Christ) in the natural and the heavenly hosts (spiritual…
When Biden was sworn in, I was visiting a friend in the country. The sun was in the first of the golden hour of setting as I drove up a hill. I was greeted by the sight of an Owl taking flight with a sizeable snake in it's talons. God spoke "I've got this". In Him we rest and have our being.
It is encouraging to hear others impressions that the Lord is exposing the hidden things. I feel the same leaning to very deep and disturbing secrets being exposed through Trump. My prayers are for his safety and wise counsel...but also that many people will awaken and repent. I believe, much to my sorrow, that if I did not know Christ that I would be believing the lies and propaganda of the left...
YES Lord! And please, grant us, out here in the hinterlands whatever it is we need to withstand, straight and tall, the sloshing spills; that we can perceive Your Truth thru all and any claims of ‘being set-up’ and what ever other tools the enemy may have stored & hidden away. Thank you, Dutch, for preparing us (me) …Blessings and God’s hand continue upon you, your family, and especially your team.