(Since the GH15 posts have to be written and recorded the previous workday, the President had obviously not yet given his March 4th address to Congress when this was prepared. I will comment on His speech on all my platforms later today.)
Times That Expose Men’s Souls
I have quoted from Thomas Paine’s essay, “The American Crisis,” on previous Give Him 15 posts. I think of it often and read it occasionally, finding it inspiring - as did Washington’s army in the Revolutionary War. In an article published by History.com, Missy Sullivan gives us background on this famous essay, and why it was so important. In it she says:
“On December 19, 1776, Thomas Paine publishes the essay ‘The American Crisis,’ a shot in the arm to Patriots during a particularly difficult stretch of the American Revolution.
“…General George Washington’s troops were encamped at McKonkey’s Ferry on the Delaware River opposite Trenton, New Jersey. In August, they had suffered humiliating defeats and lost New York City to British troops. Between September and December, 11,000 American volunteers gave up the fight and returned to their families. General Washington could foresee the destiny of a rebellion without an army if the rest of his men returned home when their service contracts expired on December 31. He knew that without an upswing in morale and a significant victory, the American Revolution would come to a swift and humiliating end.
“Thomas Paine was similarly astute. His Common Sense was the clarion call that began the revolution. As Washington’s troops retreated from New York through New Jersey, Paine again rose to the challenge of literary warfare. With American Crisis, he delivered the words that would salvage the revolution.
“Washington commanded that the freshly printed pamphlet be read aloud to his dispirited men; the rousing prose had its intended effect. Reciting Paine’s impassioned words, the beleaguered troops mustered their remaining hopes for victory and crossed the icy Delaware River to defeat hungover Hessians on Christmas night and on January 2, the British army’s best general, Earl Cornwallis, at the Battle of Princeton…”(1)
This essay and the subsequent victories saved the effort for America’s freedom. Here is Paine’s opening of “The American Crisis”:
“These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands [by] it now deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.”(2)
Earlier in 1776 before the war began, in his pamphlet “Common Sense,” Paine said: “The cause of America is in a great measure the cause of all mankind.”(3) When making this statement, he was speaking of the cause of freedom from tyranny, the God-given right of all people to liberty and justice.
I believe this statement is true, but I also believe “the cause of America” at her founding was more than just natural liberty and justice, as basic and important as that is. History has proven that God had another overriding cause for raising up America: the spiritual freedom of humankind through the redemption provided by His Son, Jesus Christ. The propagation of the gospel is every believer’s responsibility, but it is also a national calling on America. Partnering with God in this greatest of causes is a tremendous privilege, a humbling and sobering assignment.
It is not the assignment of America’s government to preach the gospel; it is the church’s assignment. It is our government’s responsibility to preserve the rights, liberties, and security that make the fulfillment of this calling possible. Natural governments should secure natural liberty, the church proclaims and secures spiritual liberty. Trump and other conservative leaders certainly cannot save America spiritually, but they can make decisions that allow God to do so. Their actions can release God’s blessings and stop the efforts of leaders who align with evil agendas. Natural government cannot bind and loose spiritual powers, but it can enforce the fruit after the church does. And the Scriptures tell us a nation rejoices when natural government fulfills its God-given purpose (Proverbs 29:2).
We must continue to pray that this natural and spiritual partnership occurs, and does so at higher levels. God has been and will continue to honor these prayers, blessing the righteous and exposing the corrupt. These present times “that try men’s souls,” will also be the times that expose men’s souls. God drew His line in the sand, some have crossed it, and the files are now being opened. Those who have refused to believe that God possesses the most authoritative gavel in all of creation, will soon hear its deafening sound. Some have interpreted His delay as indifference, others have even taken it as proof that He doesn’t exist. It was, actually, an offer of mercy. Now, the cup of iniquity is full and the reaping will begin. God will allow nothing to stop the coming harvest here in America and around the world. Nothing.
Persevere, praying church. Take your place in history. You are God’s instruments, His channels, His voice. Be loud in the spirit. Call forth His righteous rule and the harvest of the ages.
Pray with me:
Father, I pray today for the praying Ekklesia, those who faithfully pick up the sword and intercede for America and the nations. You are using them to shape history. Their prayers release the gospel, salvations, Holy Spirit power, and miracles (Acts 4:29-31). Their prayers release manifestations of Your Kingdom and generate Your will on earth (Matthew 6.10). They release the rain of revival (Zechariah 10:1). Keep them reminded of this. Remind all of those who regularly pray for these things of the unspeakable honor of partnering with You to see Your will accomplished.
And regarding our nation, we took our eyes off the prize, the honor of this partnership, and squandered our inheritance, just like the prodigal son in Scripture. We have now found ourselves feeding on husks meant for swine and bathing in mud. Many of our government leaders have reached the “fool” and “reprobate” status You spoke of in Romans 1:18-32. The times in which we live have exposed their depraved souls. Our culture became demonized, feeding on filth, and casting off all restraint (Proverbs 29:18 ESV). Expose and remove the masks, uncover the files. In Your great mercy redeem the humble; in Your power crush those who resist You, just as You promised in Psalm 2.
And Father, we confess that much of the church became conformed to the world (Romans 12:1-2), rather than enlightening and preserving society (Matthew 5:13-14); and we agreed to be muzzled (Acts 4:18). But You have awakened many. We ask for this to continue. Bring sleepless nights to spiritual leaders who have abandoned truth. Haunt their dreams, awaken their consciences, restore passion, and relight the flames of their first love. Send revival. We appeal for the real thing, nothing less than genuine world-changing revival. Do it here and around the world. Millions are perishing without You; change this!
All of this we ask in the name of Jesus Christ, Savior of the world.
Our decree:
We decree that we will persevere in the righteous cause of changing the heavens…to change the earth.
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