You may have noticed, along with me, that changes in our nation (and throughout the earth) are occurring much more quickly these days. Holy Spirit gave my brother Tim a word regarding this. We have titled it:
It’s Time For The Blitz
The movie “Braveheart,” depicts the story of William Wallace. There is a scene in which he rides before Scottish troops, challenging them with the following statement, “I am William Wallace, and I see a whole army of my countrymen, here, in defiance of Tyranny. You’ve come to fight as free men, and free men you are. What will you do without freedom? Will you fight? Aye. Fight and you may die. Run, and you’ll live…at least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days, from this day to that, for one chance–just one chance–to come back here and tell your enemies that they may take our lives, but they’ll never take our freedom!”(1)
We are advancing into a supernatural era of the church, even as we navigate a fierce season of spiritual war. This will be a time of notable miracles, signs, wonders and great harvest, but also a season in which we’ll have to fight spiritually for our rightful inheritance as the heirs of Christ.
Since President Trump’s election, some have been saying “There’s a new sheriff in town.” I believe it’s time to declare something even greater, “There’s a new church in town.” Ekklesias have been engaged and are showing boldness, strength, and unwavering faith. We have been prepared and empowered by the Holy Spirit to win great battles. Those who know their God will stand strong in Him and fight back against hell’s evil agenda.
I was recently reminded by Holy Spirit of a word He spoke to me three years ago: “It’s time for the blitz push of My Kingdom Ekklesia.” The definition of “blitz” is a sudden, energetic and concerted effort to accomplish a specific purpose; a push to complete a cause; an intense, sudden military attack. A blitz is intended to disorient an enemy.(2)
“Blitzkrieg” is a German term referring to an intense warfare campaign designed to bring about swift victories. It is also a method of warfare known as “lightning war.” A blitzkrieg is a surprise attack using a rapid movement of overwhelming force to break through an opponent’s line of defense. It is a sudden strike designed to disorient and dislocate enemy defenders, unbalancing them to provide an opening for quick victories. It can involve multiple battlefronts.(3)
Holy Spirit is stirring the Ekklesia to carry out God’s battle plans, changing things on earth and setting captives free. There are spiritual battles on the horizon that we must fight and win. Holy Spirit has trained, equipped and prepared us for the greatest advance of His Kingdom. Holy Spirit gave me the following word regarding this:
“I will move through My Ekklesia hubs and My triumphant remnant in sudden, energetic, concerted efforts to accomplish My plans for the season. I will lead My remnant warriors, implementing lightning warfare. I will lead you to strike like lightning. My Kingdom will now move rapidly with overwhelming force. Rapid strikes will break through enemy defenses, disorienting and dislocating them. Swift victories are on the calendar. I will call you to sudden advances, throwing hell’s kingdom completely out of balance, interrupting their plans and defeating them quickly. My Ekklesias will invade enemy positions suddenly, causing disruptions and scatterings to systems of evil. Multiple surprise moves will be implemented in regions, territories, and nations as My Ekklesia emboldens itself. Hell will not see this coming because their arrogance has blinded them. Their human partners will also not see it coming, as their arrogance, self-righteousness, pride and filth justification has blinded them also.
“Swift, strategic maneuvers are being activated through My Ekklesias to scatter lewd pollutions of My identity for male and female. The demon prince of perversion promoting doctrines of transgender will be struck suddenly, repeatedly, and boldly by My powerful advancing Kingdom and My angel armies. Truth will be their shield and buckler. Just as surely as Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed for perverting My identity for men and women, so will the demon doctrines of blind leaders of the blind be defeated. Original intent, truth and identity order will be proclaimed.
“Rapid strikes and sudden, energetic, coordinated efforts will now push for Me and My ways. Boardrooms, corporate leaders, and corporate identities will change. Government leaders will change or be changed. Sudden strikes, led by unique leaders I’ve ordained, are now advancing into positions of great authority. My Ekklesia’s voice is rising to sound out My Words. Angels are activating to tear down this stronghold of evil that is polluting a young generation. My enemies, the enemies of My heirs, will become unbalanced. They will stagger in the blitzkrieg of truth and righteousness that is now accelerating. Swift victories and turnarounds will be seen.
“For I have a great harvest among those who have been misled and confused by minds occupied by demons. My truth will free them. My truth will reorder real identity, meaning, and purpose; it will rise in them, for My love is set upon them. I will free multitudes from the lie. I have sons and daughters trapped in the confusion and I will redeem them. I have prodigal sons and daughters to free. I have champions whose identity I will restore. I am moving to change battlefronts; activating overwhelming force to accomplish this purpose. I will disorient the confusers. I will now dislocate the positioning of those spreading perversion. Their influence will fade and their voices will fester from the evil infections they created.
“I have targeted kingpin positions of great authority who, as Pharaoh of old, have hardened their hearts against Me. My Ekklesia, assisted by My angel armies, will target them in prayer to remove their influence, and to release leaders that will not resist My ways. For the blitz push of My Ekklesia includes concerted, coordinated, fast-moving efforts to remove the influence of evil kingpins. The Lord of Hosts declares to His church: ‘The warfare for earth will now intensify, but you will experience swift turnarounds as you release My authority to regions, states, and nations. Lightning warfare, quick strikes, and rapid responses will occur against evil that once enjoyed passivity’s stupor among My people. The world will now see a different church. A ‘ruling and reigning with Me’ church. A church that strikes like lightning. When hell pushes, they will push back. When culture, government, big tech and education pushes, they will push back. And when demons push them, they will push back.’”
We are living in a historic, world-shaping time, a hinge of history. Holy Spirit is moving, empowering and resourcing us for this moment, energizing people with tenacious faith. It is time for the Ekklesia of King Jesus to boldly advance.
Pray with me:
Lord, we ask for the blitzkrieg of the Kingdom of God to be released. Loose Your voice throughout America and across the world. Thank You, God, for the release of angelic assistance and the power of Holy Spirit. Prepare and energize us with another powerful infilling of Holy Spirit; make us bold warriors, engaged against evil. Use us to strike like lightning against the strategies of hell, blinding philosophies, and plans of demons. Bring confusion into Your enemy’s camps. Restore purpose, truth and identity, freeing those bound, setting prodigal sons and daughters free. Give us great discernment, wisdom and understanding of our times. Lead us as we engage in the blitz push of Your Kingdom, striking demonic enemies, defeating their strategies, and setting captives free. We decree that Your Kingdom rule WILL come to earth. Will of God, be done! In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Our decree:
We decree the Ekklesia has been prepared for heaven’s blitz, and will win great and rapid victories for the Kingdom of God.
Today’s post was contributed by my brother, Tim Sheets. You can learn more about him at Tim Sheets Ministries using this link provided.
Click on the link below to watch the full video.
Braveheart. Mel Gibson. Icon Productions, 1995.
Adapted from: Blitz definition in American English | Collins English dictionary. (n.d.).
Adapted from: Blitzkrieg definition in American English | Collins English dictionary. (n.d.).
Powerful and encouraging .....thank you Dutch and Tim...I am thankful for the words of encouragement and prayers for all of us. I pray for the denomination I was born into; I was raised in the Manner of Friends from a family heritage of almost 400 years...I pray in my understanding and in the Spirit for the small subsect of Conservative Friends who have a faith like the one described in the Book of Revelation to the Church at Philadelphia...they have little power but they are faithful; surrounded by the liberalism of the rest of the💔 Quakers...God has pressed me to pray for them and stay connected to them.
Your Kingdom come Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.