As I stated yesterday, I was out of the office for a week and am only now able to comment on the controversy regarding Supreme Court Justice Alito and the Appeal To Heaven flag. First, I want to focus on the related subject of Christian nationalism, for critics are now lumping the two together. Tomorrow I will address Justice Alito and the flag. The phrase - Christian nationalism - is being used by the mainstream media, and even ignorant believers, to label we who believe in America’s Christian roots, and want to see them restored. I’m being called a Christian nationalist, as is Alito, Speaker Michael Johnson, and millions of other patriotic Americans. If you’re reading this you probably fall in that category; this post will help you understand the accusations and how to respond to the lies.
To accomplish this, the remainder of today’s GH15 will be taken from an outstanding article by William Federer, used with permission. It’s the best exposé I’ve seen on Christian nationalism. I wish I had time/space on today’s post to include it in its entirety, but do not. We are providing a link, however, to the entire MUST READ article. Federer is also the author/compiler of the unrivaled resource: America’s God and Country - Encyclopedia of Quotations. He has authored several great books, his latest being Silence Equals Consent - The Sin of Omission: Speak Now or Forever Lose Your Freedom. Here are portions of Federer’s article:
What Is Christian Nationalism?
There is a controversial new label the mainstream media is using: Christian nationalism. What is it? To answer that, there are three points to consider.
The first is: nationalism is the opposite of globalism.
Did you know there are people called “globalists” who want to do away with nations and set up a one-world government, which, of course, they will control?
Brock Chisholm, the first director-general of the World Health Organization, stated: “To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism, and religious dogmas.”
Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum produced an Agenda 2030 video, which had the line: “You will own nothing and be happy.”
This sounds a lot like Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto: “The theory of the communists may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property.” “Abolition of private property” means “you will own nothing”!
How do globalists plan on getting you to give up your property and freedom? —The Great Reset. Jack Posobiec of Human Events Daily, stated on OAN, November 24, 2022: “The Great Reset is very much like communism … They'll tell you it is about diversity … equality … climate … But … what they want is ... total government.” People will not give up their property and freedom if everything is fine, but if there is a crisis, they will trade freedom for security. The Great Reset is an orchestrated global crisis to produce dependency on international government.
The second point is: nationalism depends on the nation.
Most nations have an “honor-shame” culture, where an individual's worth is based on what group they belong to, for example:
European classes with royalty divided from peasantry;
Islamic ummah communities with men worth more than women, who are worth more than infidels;
Communism with party members worth more than common people;
The latest rendition of this is “intersectionality,” where a person's worth is based on how many minority groups they belong to, with “trans” being superior to all others, resulting in those on the left wanting to impose a “transgender nationalism.”
Whereas nationalism is bad in totalitarian nations as they deny individual rights, in America, nationalism has been preserving a nation where you have worth regardless of what group you belong to.
President Truman said in his Inaugural Address, January 20, 1949: “The American people … believe that all men are created equal because they are created in the image of God.”
Lincoln stated in his Gettysburg Address, 1863: “Our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.”
Nationalism is bad in socialist and Islamist nations where governments do not guarantee individuals inalienable rights, but in America, “nationalism” is supporting a nation whose very purpose is to guarantee each individual their God-given rights. These rights include freedom of conscience, religion, speech, press, assembly, self-defense, impartial trial, no cruel and unusual punishment — the freedom to determine your own destiny.
The third point to consider is: Christian nationalism used to be called Christian patriotism. It was as American as football and apple pie.
The word “nationalism” was not even in use in America when Noah Webster compiled his 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language, yet the word “patriotism” was.
Webster’s 1828 Dictionary gave the definition: “Patriotism is the characteristic of a good citizen, the noblest passion that animates a man in the character of a citizen ... Love of one's country; the passion which aims to serve one's country, either in defending it from invasion, or protecting its rights and maintaining its laws and institutions in vigor and purity.”
Past Presidents, Democrat and Republican, encouraged Christian patriotism.
George Washington referred to both “Christian” and “patriot” in his order to troops at Valley Forge, May 2, 1778: “To the distinguished character of Patriot, it should be our highest Glory to laud the more distinguished Character of Christian.”
Republican President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation and pushed through the 13th Amendment, freeing four million slaves. He stated in his Inaugural Address, March 4, 1861: “Intelligence, patriotism, Christianity, and a firm reliance on Him … are still competent to adjust in the best way all our present difficulty.” Lincoln mentioned the words “patriotism” and “Christianity” right next to each other in his Inaugural Address!
Democrat President Woodrow Wilson warned in 1923: “We call ours a Christian civilization, a Christian conception of justice ... Our civilization … can be saved only by becoming permeated with the spirit of Christ and being made free and happy by the practices which spring out of that spirit.”
[Democrat President Franklin Rosevelt] stated on November 1, 1940: “Those forces hate democracy and Christianity as two phases of the same civilization … They oppose democracy because it is Christian. They oppose Christianity because it preaches democracy.” He stated on May 27, 1941: “The whole world is divided between pagan brutality and the Christian ideal. We choose human freedom, which is the Christian ideal.”
In a fireside chat April 28, 1942, FDR shared: “This great war effort … shall not be imperiled by the handful of noisy traitors — betrayers of America, betrayers of Christianity itself.”
And on August 22, 1942, Roosevelt wrote: “The action taken today by your Government has hastened the coming of the inevitable victory of freedom over oppression, of Christian religion over the forces of evil and darkness." Would today’s mainstream media label Roosevelt a "Christian nationalist”?
Democrat President Truman said, August 28, 1947: “This is a Christian Nation ... As a Christian Nation our earnest desire is to work with men of good will everywhere to banish war.” Truman lit the National Christmas Tree, December 24, 1952, saying: “Through Jesus Christ the world will yet be a better and a fairer place.”
Would today’s mainstream media label Truman a “Christian Nationalist”?
Republican President Dwight Eisenhower said November 9, 1954: “This relationship between a spiritual faith ... and our form of government is ... obvious ... ‘Man is endowed by his Creator’ ... When you come back to it, there is just one thing ... man is worthwhile because he was born in the image of his God ... Any group that ... awaken[s] all of us to these simple things ... is … a dedicated, patriotic group that can well take the Bible in one hand and the Flag in the other, and march ahead.”
Americans have historically been patriotic and a majority Christian. Patricia U. Bonomi, professor emeritus of New York University, wrote: “The colonists were about 98 percent Protestant.”
Why does the mainstream media insist on calling Christian patriots “Christian nationalists”? For the same reason they call Pro-Life supporters “anti-abortion.” No Pro-Life group labels itself “anti-abortion.” Yet every mainstream news article that covers the subject labels Pro-Life people “anti-abortion.” Why? Negative word association. They want to align public opinion against them. What is happening is called psychological projection.
Intolerant activists accuse Christians of being intolerant when, in reality, they are the ones who are intolerant of Christians. It is a narcissistic response called blame-shifting, where the attacker blames the victim. They accuse the innocent of what they are guilty of.
Left-wing activists use DEI [Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion] and ESG [Environmental, Social, and Governance] to force an irreligious nationalism; an unprecedented satanist theocracy; a transgender-dominionism, to censor and cancel Bible–believing Christians and Pro-Life Catholics. They employ critical race theory, a socialist tactic, to divide those opposing their agenda, in this case Christians, into various groups which fight among themselves. They employ a “fear mongering” technique.
The Telegraph’s article, December 12, 2023, exposed a Hollywood producer using fear-mongering: "Rob Reiner is deluded about 'Christian nationalism’—The God and Country movie trailer presents ordinary religious Americans as nationalist boogeymen: Reiner’s ... examples of Christian Nationalism ... are so broad that even the late Queen Elizabeth had a brush with it ... [and] ... Billy Graham ... The inescapable conclusion is that average Christian beliefs and average Christian engagement in the public sphere are exactly what Reiner and his abettors [collaborators] hope to target. They want to shame followers of Jesus from taking part in the very same political activities their secular counterparts do.” reported February 23, 2024: “Heidi Przybyla, a reporter for Politico, appeared on MSNBC this week and fretted as she explained that Christian Nationalists believe that Americans’ rights are granted by God and not Congress or the Supreme Court … The rights of Americans DO come from God and not the government, which anyone knows if they have read the country’s founding documents.”
Ed Martin of Phyllis Schlafly Eagles, responded on March 1, 2024: “Heidi Przybyla … isn’t railing against ‘Christian Nationalism,’ she’s railing against the American Founding.”
Mainstream media accuses Christian patriots of wanting to “force” their beliefs on others, but how can you force freedom on people?
Instead of "dominionism," patriots want “freedomism.”
Patriots don’t want to force their beliefs on anyone; they just don’t want government forcing its progressive beliefs on them. They want the government to stop legislating immorality.
Pray with me:
Father, we ask You for the continued exposing of progressive, Marxist, and globalist agendas. Their hatred of truth, Scripture, America, and the church, combined with their arrogance, has moved them out of the closet, causing them to reveal their own lies and evil plans. Amplify this.
We ask that You cause all their plans to fail. Deliver President Trump from trumped up charges, the kangaroo courts, and corrupt judges. Continue to give Alito, Johnson, and other patriots in government, backbones of steel. May they share our Founders’ “firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence.” Insulate them and their families from the lies and attempts at character assassination.
We pray that You will remove deception off of those in the church who have bought into, and even partner with, the left’s propaganda. And we ask You to break all intimidation off of the church. Give pastors and spiritual leaders the boldness to speak out against these deceptions and teach truth regarding government, America’s founding and purpose, and attempts by demonically motivated people to hinder this purpose. In Yeshua’s name we pray.
Our decree:
We decree that no weapon against the church will prosper, including the weapon of deception.
You can find out more about William Federer at and read this article in its entirety here. (Used with permission)
Click on the link below to watch the full video.
Thank you, Dutch! Awesome post and thank you for the references!!
Sadly, there are many within the church - even rural churches in the south - who have no idea what Christian Patriotism is. They do not know our "founding." And while sincere heart Christians, they are ignorant of the current political climate, "deep state" agenda, etc. They believe God has allowed the current apostasy as evidence of the near-coming rapture of the church. They choose to separate themselves, work to win souls with tent rallies and revivals, sing about heaven, and wait for Jesus. I am heart-broken over their refusal to consider that Yahweh has options. They do not pray "thy kingdom come." their prayer is "Jesus come."
I believe many in America have been deceived into cherishing convenience over freedom, and selfulness over Yeshua, Papa, and Holy Spirit.