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May 31, 2020

A New Era of Evangelism

[The following is a word of encouragement from Daniel Kolenda, an evangelist from Orlando, FL. He and others host “The Send”, which are large stadium evangelism events held around the world.]

“We had scheduled ‘The Send’ events for this year and then COVID-19 hit and everything changed. One of the locations was going to be in Brazil. Well, not long into this international shutdown, they called and asked if we could still do The Send gathering, but hold it online. So, we decided to try it. We live streamed it on YouTube. It was about 12 hours long, and we saw nearly 6 million unique viewers during that time. These were not individuals jumping on and off. These were actual, unique individual viewers. That equates to about 130 combined years of ‘watch time’.

“I think this showed us that we have entered into a new season of harvest. Even in the midst of this pandemic, where we thought we would be shut down. We were thinking we were going to get a bit of a vacation, but we are busier than ever. Instead of being in rooms where we are reaching 1000 or 1500 people, we are now reaching crowds of 150,000 and even up to 6 million people. Everything has gone to another level. I am not a prophet, but even I can see that there’s something very prophetic happening here. Just like in the book of Esther, what the enemy has meant for evil, God is taking it and using it for good.

“God has been progressively restoring truth to the Church over the last 500 years or so. It began with Martin Luther and the Protestant movement, which released the truth of being saved by grace through faith. Then, we get closer in and you see the Great Awakenings and the Pentecostal revivals, then the healing movement, the Charismatic renewal, the Jesus movement, the outpourings in Toronto and Brownsville and other places. These movements are getting closer together. God has been restoring and releasing progressive truth. Let’s talk about the five-fold offices. They were pretty much non-existent for much of history. But then we began to see the pastoral office renewed, then the teachers, the prophets, and the apostolic. Never before in history have you seen so many new strong works being established all over the world. That’s because the apostolic mantle has been released. What we haven’t really yet seen is the restoration of the gift of the evangelist on a huge scale. That’s what we’re going to see in this next era. We won’t just have a few great evangelists, but the gift of evangelist is being released. It will be grabbed hold of by the Body of Christ and we will see millions thrust into the harvest fields of the earth.”

“And he said to them, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.’” (Luke 10:2; ESV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. Rejoice and give thanks that millions upon millions of people are suddenly coming to Christ in this day!

  2. Pray that they will be lasting fruit, that none will fall away, and that the enemy will not be able to steal this harvest.

  3. Thank God for the new innovation coming forth that multiplies the ability to harvest the fields of lost souls.

  4. Pray Luke 10:2, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”

  5. Call forth the multiplied mantle of the Evangelist into the earth. Grab hold of one for yourself, if you want to be a harvester!

A prayer you can pray:

Father, thank You for the millions and millions of new Believers coming into the Kingdom as we begin this new era! We are so excited to hear this news! These are things the media is not telling us. While they talk all day about doom and gloom, restrictions and shutdowns, Your people are grabbing hold of revelation from heaven and pairing it with the technology of the earth in order to reap the greatest harvest the world has ever seen without leaving their living rooms. What the enemy has meant for evil, You have surely turned it for good. Where Satan thought He could stop the harvest coming in, which the prophets foretold, You have caused it to come in at an unprecedented rate!

Lord, we want to see these new souls saved to the uttermost. We do not want to lose this harvest to the sneaky ways of satan and his demonic cohorts. We want them to come wholeheartedly to Jesus. In their desperation, let them find life and peace and never want to leave You. In fact, turn them right around and send them into the harvest fields they just came out of! The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore, we pray earnestly to You, Lord of the harvest, to send out laborers into Your harvest fields. Multiply that mantle of the Evangelist. We need millions of them. It is time! Thank You, Jesus. Amen.

Today’s decree:

God is thrusting out evangelists into the harvest fields of the earth! Multitudes are coming to Jesus!

Learn more about Daniel Kolenda here.


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