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November 1, 2024

The Well of Covenant Will Flow

In a dream given to Clay Nash in 2020, Holy Spirit referred to Cape Henry as the “well of oaths.” I have mentioned the dream before, but Holy Spirit keeps taking me back to it. Cape Henry, as most of you know, is where Robert Hunt and company planted a cross in 1607, and covenanted with God that the gospel would go from this land to all the world. The phrase the Lord used, “well of oaths,” is a reference to the oath taken in covenant ceremonies. 

This phrase is the literal meaning of the name Beersheba, found in Genesis 21:33 and 26:33. Beersheba was a place and a well symbolizing covenant. The first passage (21:33) involves Abraham and his covenant with God, a covenant that existed to bring Messiah to earth. The context of the second reference is when God made Abraham’s son, Isaac, a link in this covenantal chain. 

Just as the covenant with Abraham and Isaac was regarding the salvation of the world, the covenant Hunt and company made with God at Cape Henry was, as well. One – Abraham’s – gave us the Messiah; America’s would be to trumpet the good news of what Messiah accomplished. The “oath” Hunt and company made after planting the cross was to be “Evangelist to the world,” preaching the gospel of the Kingdom to all the earth. Can there be any doubt that this is what the cross represented on that day? And they included you and me in that covenant, by the way, stating their intent “to raise up godly generations after us, and with these generations, take the kingdom of God to all the earth.”(1)

Obviously, Holy Spirit’s reference to Cape Henry as America’s “well of oaths” is incredibly significant and reveals much:

  1. It tells us that God honored the covenant Hunt and his party made with Him there! Actually, I believe God not only honored it; I believe He inspired them to make this covenant.

  2. In comparison to Abraham’s well, it speaks of the resistance, the warfare that would come against those fulfilling the covenant. The wells Abraham had dug in the region, including Beersheba, had been filled in by his enemies (Genesis 26:18). According to the footnote regarding Genesis 26:15 in The Passion Translation: “In the culture of the day, to dig a well on unclaimed land was a proof of title to the land. To stop the wells of someone else was considered an act of war.” Before Isaac could continue the legacy given by Abraham, he had to re-dig these wells, and give them the same names (26:18), including the “well of oaths” (Beersheba).

    Just as he did with Abraham’s wells, Satan has warred against America’s covenant with God, stopping it up through sin, idolatry, and compromise. We are in the process of re-digging this well, resisting the devil and his actions (James 4:7). 

  3. It speaks of cleansing. Isaac needed cleansing before he could re-dig them. In verses 6-11, God inserts the story of Isaac lying to the locals about Rebekah, telling them she was his sister so they wouldn’t kill him to take her as a wife. This covenant-breaking iniquity of Abraham, who had done the exact same thing, in the exact same place (Gerar), with a king having the exact same name (Abimelech), had been passed on to Isaac. (See Genesis 20). (The king was no doubt a descendant, thus having the same name). Could God have chosen this time to expose the generational iniquity in Isaac because of its connection to covenant? “I need a covenant KEEPER, Isaac, so before we re-open the well of covenant, I’m going to cleanse you of the covenant BREAKING spirit.”

    And so it is with America. Before reopening the well of covenant, He has been exposing and cleansing us. Even in Clay’s dream, He referenced this: “Let those assigned to break up the fallow ground plow deep, so that the soil of this nation be prepared for the seeds of righteousness to be sown.”

  4. And finally, Holy Spirit’s words in the dream confirm the harvest that will flow from this well. “This will result in an abundant harvest...a harvest that will come with such abundance and so quickly that the harvester will overtake the sower. And let the preparers of the soil do a quick work in order that the sower not delay the harvest.” Life flows from this covenant - it is a well! 

We are warring for this. Also in the dream, Rees Howells, who was used so mightily to war spiritually in prayer against the Nazis, appeared from the cloud of witnesses. He gave us His coat saying, “This is the coat I wore during World War II and must be worn by the Ekklesia in order to see the Kingdom harvest at hand. The training is finished; it’s time to go to war...and OCTOBER will see the turning of the war.”

Keep praying, Ekklesia. Fight for the babies, not Republicans. Fight for covenant, not for Trump. Fight for the harvest, not just for your well-being. Refuse to allow election interference. Bind it in the name of Jesus. Ask God to influence voters toward His candidates. And vote for the candidates who embrace biblical ideals. 

Wear the coat!

Pray with me:

Father, thank You for Cape Henry. Thank You for calling it a “well of oaths,” a well of covenant. Continue to cleanse our nation and release the power of this covenant again. At every level, we ask You to give us a government that welcomes and honors You. Favor those who will do so, those who protect the innocent, who rule righteously. Rid us of corruption and dishonesty in our government. Motivate people to vote and to do so for righteousness. 

We will never stop asking for and believing that powerful revival and reformation will come to America and, as importantly, through America. Give us once again the invaluable privilege of taking the gospel of Christ and His Kingdom to all the world. Release signs, wonders, miracles, and millions of salvations throughout the earth.

And in closing, once more we pray against the violence that demons desire to foment. Protect the candidates and those around them. Protect those who vote and work in the polling places. 

We ask for and declare all of this as representatives of Christ, in His name. Amen. 

Our decree:

We decree that the “well of oaths” is open and flowing again to America!

Click on the link below to watch the full video.


1 Comment

Nov 01, 2024

Amen and Amen! great message! Great word from God and the Holy Spirit! "Well of Oaks" and "The Well of Covenant Will Flow" words to live and pray by! Yes I agree everybody needs to do their own research on all the political candidates and we which ones that line up with their religious believes, Christian believes! I just pray every one makes the right decisions including myself! That I made the right decisions on the ones I Voted for! my family and myself have Voted and now its in Gods hands! For the ones that have not Voted yet do your own research and Vote! There is not much time left! Early Voting here in Texas ends today and…

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