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November 13, 2024

Be Encouraged and KEEP PRAYING

It is sometimes difficult to discern the timing represented in dreams; at times, they actually have dual timings — when they’re given and later on. Several significant dreams were given to friends of ours leading up to the 2020 Elections, some of which were obviously for then, and others were for now. Here are two of those dreams  – which are related to one another – given to our friend Gina Gholston:

“In a dream given on July 17, 2020, I saw Dutch Sheets running up a very high hill, a small mountain. He was running like a football wide receiver, with his arms stretched out to catch a football that had been thrown to him. The football had been thrown beyond where Dutch was in order to ‘lead’ him ahead, and also so he could catch the pass while continuing to run.  

“Dutch was running very fast up this hillside to catch the pass. I somehow knew in the dream that the one throwing the football was Thomas Paine, doing so from another hillside. 

“(Thomas Paine was an author in the days of America’s founding. He wrote a 47-page pamphlet titled Common Sense, which was very influential in helping persuade the colonists of their need for independence from Britain, and in rallying support for the approval of the Declaration of Independence.)

“Though Dutch was running up the hillside to catch the football thrown to him from Paine, he had made it to the top of this very high hill before he caught it.  Once he caught the football, Dutch turned to look at Thomas Paine on the other hillside, then to his right, where a city was located just up the valley, between these two hillsides. Beyond the city was a river that ran down into the city. Dutch knew the football contained something that was to be released into the city. He was to place it in the river, where it would float downstream, and at the exact right time, its contents would be released into the city.  

“So, Dutch made his way to the headwaters of that river and placed the football into it. Written in silver letters on the football was the word ‘Triumph.’ As it moved down the river, Dutch was looking toward the city, and I realized it was actually Washington, DC.

“That was the end of the dream.” 

Here is the second dream:

“November 11, 2020, I dreamed that I was walking beside the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. Looking to my right, I saw something floating down a river. I watched as it came closer to where I was, and suddenly, it hit a rock with such force that something went airborne from it. The object flew over my head and landed on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. I walked over to see what it was, and saw that it was an old, silver skeleton key. Written on the key was the word ‘Triumph.’

“As I stood looking at it, the key lit up. When it did, my cell phone notified me that I had received a text message. The text read, ‘I Am NOT late!’ Then, suddenly, there was a brilliant light that engulfed everything, and the whole scene changed. 

“I found myself standing on the steps of the US Capitol with a large group of people. I looked down beside me, and on the steps was the same silver key that had come from the river. Underneath the key was a piece of paper, the original copy of an essay I had written thirty-four years ago (1986)!

“(A side note: In my junior year of high school, I wrote an essay, which my English teacher entered in a contest run by the TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority). Their theme was ‘When Electricity Came to Rural America.’ I interviewed my Grandpa, who was born in 1906, who told me all about the difference having electricity had made for him, his family, and our nation. For my essay, I told his story, which was selected as a winner in the contest. The prize was an all-expense paid trip to Washington D.C.)

“Back to the Dream: The silver ‘Triumph’ key was laying on top of that essay, written in 1986. I picked up the essay and read it, crying happy tears as I reminisced. Then it started to snow, and there was a very tangible peace that blanketed the atmosphere - like walking outside on a brightly lit snowy night. 

“Then suddenly, the key lit up again, and my phone alerted me that I had received another text. The text read the same as the first one, but this time in all capital letters, ‘I AM NOT LATE!’

“When I awakened from the dream, my first thought was, ‘Of course! It was a key inside the football!!! A key to unlock the “Triumph” God has declared over our nation!’”

The primary meanings of the dreams are obvious. God is not late, and He will cause us to triumph. The changes President Trump will help create were not able to begin in 2020, as we had expected. In God’s wisdom, He waited until now, after further exposing the Left, and further preparing Trump and others – both those on his team and in other positions. Other symbolic meanings in the dream are:

  • Paine represents America’s founding, and perhaps even the “common sense” leadership of Trump; the Lincoln Memorial pictures liberty or freedom. (In 1986, when Gina wrote her paper, the Statue of Liberty reopened during “Liberty Weekend,” July 4-7. Also that year, Trump was one of several individuals honored with the Ellis Island Medal of Honor.) 

  • The river would be the Potomac, known as the “Nation’s River.” 

  • The key represents the authority Christ gave the church (Isaiah 22:22; Matthew 16:18-19), with which to carry out His will. 

  • The large crowd on the Capitol steps where the “Triumph” key showed up again, and the second text came through reading, “I AM NOT LATE!” may just be Trump’s second inauguration! 

I wanted to encourage you today with these dreams. I also remind you once again to persevere in prayer for Trump as he chooses the team with which he will work, for the incredibly important decisions being made by the House and Senate, and for the continuing vote counts. Let’s not let up in our praying.

Pray with me:

Father, we thank You for these two dreams. They remind us of Your perfect timing. You are the Eternal One, the Creator of time, yet You are not controlled by it. For You, a day is as 1000 years, and 1000 years as a day (2 Peter 3:8). As the I AM, You see the past, present, and future all at once and declare the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10). 

They also remind us that You always win. Also, You cause us to always triumph in Christ when we honor and obey You (2 Corinthians 2:14). We thank You for what has occurred in these elections, even while realizing they are not an end in themselves. They’re simply part of what You are doing to restore America to Your plans and purposes. This is always the goal as we pray for our nation. 

At this strategic time, we ask that Your wisdom be given to our government leaders in the House and Senate, as well as to Trump and his transition team. We ask that You strategically guide him, and that he does not make ANY mistakes in choosing appointments to various positions. 

We also ask for Your protective hand to stop any and all election interference as the votes continue to be counted. And we ask for Your overriding hand to rule in the election of the Senate Majority Leader.

And finally, we pray for Your hand of protection over our government leaders, their families, and staff members. In Jesus’ name, amen. 

Our decree: 

We declare that God is never late. Never. 

You can find out more about Gina at

Click on the link below to watch the full video.


Unknown member
Nov 16, 2024

Edebi Bitiren Gabile Sohbet Odaları ve Edebi bitiren Gabile Chat Odaları.Gabile Sohbet yapmanızı kolay ve güvenli hale getiren Gabile Chat sorunsuz kesintisiz yeni kişilerle tanışma imkanı sağlar.


Unknown member
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Jeff Buuck
Jeff Buuck
Nov 13, 2024


Nov 13, 2024

In Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, one of the definitions for the word triumph is “trump”. See Triumph (noun) 5. “A card that takes all others; now written trump, which see.” Several weeks back I had looked up the word triumph in this dictionary and saw that! God has His ways! Only God!

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