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November 17, 2017

The Glory is Coming

They put the ark in the “City of Wholeness” – Jerusalem. This said, “We’re complete now. We have His Presence. We’re healed now. We are at peace now. He’s back.” This event we’re holding on February 22nd, it’s about us going fully back through the door to destiny. That’s what my heart is for this gathering in Washington, D.C. We are going to get through the turmoil, through the “Ichabod” phase where the glory was lost, and through the complacency phase where nobody cares about the real Glory and Presence. We’re getting to the phase where the Body of Christ says, “I will not be satisfied until He is here among us!”

“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” (Matthew 6:33; ESV)

Give Him 15 minutes in prayer:

  1. If you haven’t registered for The Turnaround, click here for registration information.

  2. Pray for The Turnaround and all who will be there. Pray that God will grace us with His Presence.

  3. Even if you can’t come, plan to set aside 2/22/18 as a day of fasting and prayer for God’s glory to be poured out on the Church, our government, and our nation.

A prayer you can pray:

Father, I would like to be able to meet together in the nation’s capital city on 2/22/18 with my brothers and sisters in Christ who have a heart for this nation. Our nation needs a turnaround and I think we’ll get it as we pray together on this day You ordained and prophetically spoke of through Chuck Pierce and Cindy Jacobs. This is a day You set in history for the United States. I will set aside time to intercede that day, even if I can’t be there. You are coming to America! Amen.

Today’s decree:

I will not be satisfied until He is here among us!


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