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November 5, 2021

A Harvest Dream

In the great revival that has begun, all of the earth will be impacted. An incredible harvest of people from the Muslim world will be reaped for Christ. He loves them very much. We must not allow our love for Israel to blind us to God's love for the other people of that region. Ishmael was not rejected by God as a person; he was simply not the chosen lineage from which Messiah would come.

Some would say this harvest among the Muslim world has already begun. I was recently told by a credible source that more conversions to Christ were occurring in Iran than anywhere else in the world. Afghanistan, they said, was number two. It is little wonder that the turmoil occurred in Afghanistan recently, as satan's wrath manifested toward what is happening.

Supernatural events are occurring to produce this harvest. Miracles, dreams, and visions are common. It was reported to me by the same person that when many people in that part of the world hear about Jesus and the gospel, their response is, “Oh, I know who He is. He comes to me often in my dreams.”

I was recently sent a dream (November 3) given to worship and prayer leader, Tami Flick, from Kalamazoo, MI, which I believe is referring to this great harvest. The dream is regarding a field of bones in Aram, which would be modern-day Syria, southeastern Turkey, and parts of Lebanon and Iraq. Aram was a descendant of Shem, a son of Noah (Genesis 10:22). The Aramean people descended from him, and the Aramaic language takes its name from Aram. In the dream, the resurrection power of Christ comes to these bones, just as it did to the Valley of Dry Bones in Ezekiel 37.

“I was with Dutch Sheets and many others in the body of Christ. We were gathered in a field called ‘The Field of Aram.’ Dutch had somehow discerned from the Lord that we were to pray for resurrection life over this field. Though we didn’t know it originally, it was a field of bones, from back in Biblical times.

“You couldn’t tell it was filled with bones - it simply looked like a field of neglected farmland. However, we somehow discovered they were there. In the dream, I was given a vision in which I glimpsed the people from whom these bones had originated. They were mainly women and children/youth from Biblical times, wearing robes and loose-fitting clothing.

“Dutch felt strongly that we were to pray and declare resurrection life over the field. I was overwhelmed by the thought. What kind of power might that be, God coming to resurrect a field of bones? I had been in the field, but wondering what it would look and feel like when the breath of God was released to raise up the bones, I moved to the edge of the field.

“I must not have been the only person thinking that, for soon, many people were around me on the outside of the field, along a path/road. Even Dutch did so, and was next to me at one point. In awe, I told him, ‘Sir, the Lord Himself is about to walk among us during this time of prayer and declaration.’ I was already beginning to experience the fear of the Lord as this revelation increased in me. I knew we would all feel Him before we saw Him.

“Dutch began to move a little away from me, as did others, to get into position. I knew he had heard me but had not yet grasped the full weight of what was coming. I heard him respond as he walked away, ‘I don’t usually “feel” things spiritually. What number would you give the manifestation of His presence you sense coming?’

“I knelt on the ground and replied, ‘10 out of 10.’

“Suddenly, everyone knew He was coming! They all stopped moving and knelt, with their faces to the ground. Then, I felt Him, from behind and to my left. His presence was terrifying as it grew closer. I barely had time to comprehend what I was experiencing when suddenly I was swept up into a whirlwind.

“I remember desperately trying to grasp the ground, anything, to try and keep myself down. But it was impossible. The top portion of the ground separated like a thin layer, detaching from the bedrock below as if I was grasping a blanket.

“His whirlwind surrounded me and I could no longer hold myself down. Instinctively, I began screaming, ‘Lord, God Almighty!!!’

“He was upon us. He was among us. End of dream.”

Tami then said, “I awoke at that moment, with my scream still ringing in my ears. Such a strong presence of God and the fear of the Lord was in my room. It took me a while to even want to move. This was not comfortable. Isaiah 6 comes to mind:

‘In the year of King Uzziah’s death I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, lofty and exalted, with the train of His robe filling the temple. And one [seraphim] called out to another and said, “Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord of armies. The whole earth is full of His glory.” Then I said, “Woe to me, for I am ruined! Because I am a man of unclean lips, And I live among a people of unclean lips; For my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of armies.’“ (Isaiah 6:1,3,5 NASB)

Tami concludes by saying, “He came first TO us, His people, then THROUGH us in route to the field of bones. His presence was so powerful. Even while on my knees, face down on the ground, I was not ready for the strength of what I felt. I’m not sure anyone COULD be. He is THAT holy. His glory…”

We live in an incredible time on earth. We must continually remember this. The harvest of the ages is now beginning. Ask for this, and do everything you can to participate. Sow into ministries that are working the fields. Pray for the laborers and the harvest itself. Let’s do that now.

Pray with me:

Father, we know You love the descendants of Ishmael. His name means “God listens” or “God hears.” Indeed, You hear the cry of Ishmael. We know You are about to rescue millions of his descendants from the stronghold and oppression of darkness. The women and children are especially oppressed and we know this moves Your heart.

So, we are boldly asking You for this revival. We ask You for dreams to be given them, visions to occur, and many, many miracles to take place. Open their eyes to Yeshua. Embrace that part of the world with Your saving grace and love.

We bind the powers of darkness that would try and stop this. We take the keys of the kingdom, which You gave to us (Matthew 16:18-19), and enforce the victory of Calvary. And as Christ taught us to pray, we ask for Your kingdom to come (Matthew 6:10) to Aram, and other parts of the Muslim world. We also ask for laborers to be sent into this great harvest field (Matthew 9:38). And we ask for the whirlwind of Your Spirit to blow and resurrect the people spiritually (Ezekiel 37:9-10). We ask all of this in Jesus’ name, which guarantees its acceptance and answer.

Our decree:

We decree that the resurrection wind of Holy Spirit is coming to the Muslim regions of the world!

Portions of today’s post were contributed by Tami Flick. You can find out more about Tami here.

Click on the link below to watch the full video.



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