Step Forward
There are those whom I believe the Lord speaks to clearly, sharing His heart - prophets who give us direction, teachings, and words from the Lord. My brother is one of those voices. After hundreds of hours of study, God has also given him an unusual ability to understand how angels operate in the spirit world, assisting us as we partner with God. Here is a word Tim recently shared:
“We are in significant days, walking out the strategy of our Lord; it is imperative that we press in to hear what He is saying. The Ekklesia must accept the responsibility of engaging and decreeing His Word as we move into the next season.
“I asked Holy Spirit recently to show me what He is currently speaking and He gave me a vision. In this vision I saw a map of the United States of America, along with many other nations of the world. As I looked at the map, I began to see a display of fireworks. Each one shot up into the sky in a streak of light and exploded. I heard the Lord say, ‘Today, we launch the strike force of the angel armies.’ I then began to see seraphim and government angels, along with other angel divisions, going forth on assignments. I realized the shooting fireworks had actually been angels of light. From each state and many other nations, I had seen angels shooting up in streaks of light. The explosions I saw were promises, prophetic words, dreams, visions, and declarations from believers. [End of vision]
“After the vision the Lord said, ‘The angels of Lord Sabaoth are now launched to explode and activate. There will be explosions of promises, dreams, visions and prophetic words coming to pass. This is a Kingdom event for Ekklesias around the world. It is time for My Ekklesia to engage with me and declare what I say. Angels are activating to release an explosion of the Kingdom of God.’
“We have been told of a shaking that will begin to reset our nation; this vision and word is a revelation and confirmation that this significant breakthrough is coming. The responsibility of the Ekklesia at this time is to be bold and aggressively use our spiritual weapons. Prayers and decrees are weapons of warfare, mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds (2 Corinthians 10:4).
“Wars are never won through reticent effort. The King’s Ekklesia is being called to engage demonic agendas and stop them. We are being called to proceed against cultural, governmental and educational evils. The King’s command is for us to advance, not hide in fear, and follow Him into battle.
“During this season, Holy Spirit is saying to us, as He did the prophet Jeremiah, ‘You have no reason to fear the people you speak to, for I am with you and will defend you. I will touch your mouth and give you My divine message! Look, I have placed My words in your mouth. You will know what to say. You will be My voice. This very day I appoint you to speak with My authority over nations and kingdoms. Your word - My word - will have the power to uproot and stamp out; it will destroy and upend. And then your word - My word - will rebuild and plant anew’ (Jeremiah 1:8-10, The Voice Translation).
“God is going to use us, His Ekklesia, to upend and uproot by boldly declaring His words. Philippians 1:28 (NLT) says, ‘Don’t be intimidated in any way by your enemies. This will be a sign to them that they are going to be destroyed, but that you are going to be saved, even by God himself.’
“One of the greatest signs of defeat to our enemies is when we, the body of Christ, stand fearless and unintimidated. We must refuse to be bullied by our adversary; we know he is a defeated foe.
“Recently, Holy Spirit spoke the following to me, ‘I have prepared and will now show the world the strength of the Lord of hosts. My strong arm will be seen overpowering and defeating the forever loser through a functioning Ekklesia. My Ekklesia will now enter a time of acceleration when prophetic words, promises, dreams and visions intersect their moment. I will activate the assignments I gave them. And as My Ekklesia engages in prayer, decrees and corresponding actions, functioning in My original intent and purpose for its being, it will connect to a supernatural moment. This is a moment I have planned, for revival and reformation. Strength will multiply. Doors will open. Changes will surge. Transformation of times will come. Crooked paths will straighten. Realignment to right ways will manifest. Restoration of paths of righteousness will be rebuilt.
“‘Move forward into My moment. Move forward into your moment. My move, your move. My word, your word. My victory, Your victory! Engage with purpose into this moment. Engage the battle, says the Lord.’
“We must now be bold and fearless, not passive onlookers. We must live in the fear of the Lord, not the fear of man. Like Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, and countless other heroes of faith, we must shake off all passivity and stand strong. No bowing to Baal. No bowing to wickedness, perversion, mutilators of children, demon doctrines, government intimidation, insane ideas, lies, or antichrist agendas. We must embrace a true Kingdom of God mindset and a remnant warrior’s mentality.
“We must remove all cowardice and passivity that acts as leaven and spreads. We cannot yield to an inappropriate acceptance of evil, calling it love; evil breeds loathsome oppression, cruelty, the destruction of families and children, and the annihilation of destinies. Sin never brings peaceful solutions; it kills, steals and destroys. King Jesus says it’s time to engage, battle and stand strong.
“Ephesians 6:10-18 (NKJV) speaks of putting on the whole armor of God in order to stand against the wiles of the devil. This passage is timely for this current season in which we have been called to fight for the cause of Christ.
“The word ‘against’ in verse 10 is the Greek word pro.(1) It actually means to ‘step forward.’ Our word for a professional, a ‘pro,’ comes from this Greek word. A pro is someone that is a step forward from others. The Ekklesia is being called to advance for the Kingdom of God. When you see principalities, step forward. When you see the powers of darkness, step forward. When you see the rulers of the darkness of this age, step forward. When you see spiritual wickedness in high places, step forward.
“Holy Spirit is calling out to His Ekklesia: engage and step forward!”
Let’s Pray with Tim:
Lord, thank You for breathing truth, revelation and strategy to us. We pray that the season we have been contending, crying out and believing for would begin to unfold. We pray for a divine outpouring and infusion of heaven’s power, a power that can change everything. We ask for strength and great boldness. In Acts 2, Your power came from heaven and believers’ voices were amplified, allowing them to speak with Kingdom authority and governing language. Their authority went to a different level, and we are asking You to do this again. Cause the Ekklesia to step forward and reign supernaturally.
Loose the explosion of promises, dreams, and visions that have now come to their divinely planned moments. May this be a time when we embrace what You say. We declare our faith and confidence is in You. We step forward for such a time as this. Cause Your Ekklesia to rise up and oppose evil, supernaturally upending the strategies of hell. We will not relent. We will be tenacious and bold for Your cause.
We continue to pray regarding the situation in the Middle East. We ask for a quick end to this violence. We bind the prince of Persia’s/Iran’s efforts to steal, kill, and destroy. We break the power of this stronghold off the region, and loose the breath of God to the region. We declare the victory of Calvary over it. We declare that God has freed the descendents of Isaac and Ishmael from darkness and deception through the power of the blood of Jesus. Arise in that region, Lord, scatter Your enemies. Let Your light come and Your glory rise upon the people. We ask for angels to help bring the fruit of this.
All of this we decree and ask in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.
Our decree:
We decree the launching of angel armies throughout the world to bring the fulfillment of promises, dreams, visions and prophetic words. And we decree that the church will engage and step forward!
Click on the link below to watch the full video.
Today’s post was contributed by my brother, Tim. You can learn more about him at
James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 4253.