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October 16, 2024

Healing Summit 2.0

In just over a week, on October 25, we will conduct another Healing Summit in Middletown, Ohio. Seats are still available, and you can register at We have registrations so people aren’t turned away on that night. And we are pleased that, as before, many churches are planning to join us online. 

Hundreds of verified healings occurred during the last gathering, including terminal illnesses, tumors disappearing, and much, much more. The healings occurred not only in Middletown, but many took place in other churches and homes around the country.


One couple in attendance remained in the balcony during the ministry time, praying for hundreds in the prayer lines below, even though each of them needed healings, as well. They prayed and worshipped the entire two hours we ministered to people. Though the wife felt nothing take place in her body, she discovered that was not the case when she went in for surgery on her kidney a few days later! After prepping her and inserting the anesthesia port, the techs took final pictures of her kidney for the surgeon. Surprisingly, they returned a few minutes later to take a couple more. Finally, they returned and said, “We don’t know what happened, but you no longer need the surgery.” A few days later, since the husband’s pain had disappeared from his knee, he revisited his doctor. He, too, was told he no longer needed surgery, and he had the knee of a 25-year-old! 

Another lady was prayed for who had multiple brain tumors and had been told by doctors she would not live until Christmas. But after being re-examined by her doctor, she was told that 10 of the 12 tumors had completely vanished, and the other two were dissolving, now almost completely gone! So many healings occurred!


We have a strong conviction that the numbers and scope of the healings will go to another level at the Summit on October 25. We believe as in Acts 19, “notable” miracles will occur. I was reminded by Holy Spirit while writing this that in the January 3 GH15 post (2024: A Hinge of History), I actually spoke of notable miracles increasing this year, stating that:

“Incredible miracles will invade the earth, accompanying the gospel and the preaching of the Word. Amazing signs and wonders will occur in schools, homes, businesses, churches, arenas, bars, hospitals, on campuses, and in the streets. It was in Ephesus that “God wrought special miracles by the hands of Paul” (Acts 19:11). Yet this was also the church warned later against a form of godliness without power, and rebuked for leaving their first love. Passion, presence, and power go hand in hand; passion attracts God’s presence, which releases His power. Holy Spirit challenged the ekklesia at Ephesus to do what was necessary for restoration. He is offering the same to many believers and churches in 2024.

“Noted Greek scholar Rick Renner says of Acts 19:11, ‘Wrought’ in this verse is from the Greek word poieo,(1) which denotes creativity. Because the word poieo is used in this context, we know that the miracles taking place in Ephesus were miracles of a creative nature. In fact, this power was so out of the ordinary that the Bible describes it as “special,” which is a translation of the Greek word tugchano.(2) This Greek word means to hit upon, to happen upon, or to fall upon. It implies something unique that overtakes someone or a power that falls on someone as if to take him or her by surprise.

“‘Paul literally hit upon, happened upon, or fell into a level of power that was without equal in his experience. He found himself suddenly operating in a realm of miracles that was extraordinary and powerful beyond his wildest expectations. Of course, all miracles are uncommon, but there was something about these miracles in particular that transcended every miracle that Paul had previously experienced during his ministry. From the usage of this Greek word tugchano, it seems that Paul himself was surprised by the exceptional assortment of miracles that were occurring at his own hands.’ This is the level of power and miracles that I believe will begin in 2024.”


October 25 will be more than a healing service, however. We are confident Holy Spirit’s plan for these meetings is also to birth and release the coming season of signs and wonders here in America and around the world. We believe gifts of healing and other gifts of the Spirit will be imparted to members of the body of Christ worldwide as thousands pray in agreement, asking for this. We are contending - not just for miracles in periodic services - but for signs and wonders to take place daily, worldwide. This will be part of generating the coming harvest. 

Join us in Middletown, if possible. Come believing for miracles, both for yourself - if needed - and for others around the world. If you cannot attend, join us online. And please agree in prayer with us for the birthing of this great healing movement throughout the earth. If you lead a congregation, consider joining us online – intercede for this new season to begin, then pray for those present in your service who need healing. Let’s press in together for this. 


Before ending today’s post, I also want to mention the hurricane relief effort taking place. We are distributing to several credible, boots-on-the-ground organizations and churches the thousands of dollars you have donated. It is very moving to see the depth of gratitude from those who so desperately need help. We will not forget these people! And you can still donate at or, as the Lord impresses you to do so. We take no portion for overhead or administrative expenses - all of the funds go directly to these relief efforts.  

Pray with me:

Father, You said in Exodus 15:26, “I am the Lord that healeth thee.” Christ sent His disciples out to heal the sick (Matthew 10), and later told all His followers to “lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover” (Mark 16:18). It is time for we, the church, to stir up this anointing and ask for the gifts of Your Spirit associated with it. We will do so on the 25th, but we begin now by asking You for these gifts. Impart them to many in Your church - not just to those in ministry vocations, but to BELIEVERS!

Remind the church that Jesus took lashes to purchase our healing. And motivate us to take action based on Your words, refusing to allow past experiences to weaken our faith or resolve. We are conduits; You supply the power; remind us of these things. And as we come together on October 25, both in person and through livestream, we ask that You heal many. Give us notable, creative miracles. Release a new era of signs, wonders, and miracles, and impart gifts of the Spirit. 

And, in this perilous time, keep the church full of faith and fully engaged. We will not allow weariness, fear, or anything else to distract us. We will remain alert and strong. 

We pray also for those who are suffering from storms and hurricanes. Give them the resources and help they need. Encourage their hearts; draw them to You. 

Lastly, today, we ask You to intervene in America’s upcoming election. Give us government officials who are honest, servant-hearted, and who know You. “Righteousness exalts a nation; sin is a reproach to any people” (Proverbs 14:34). Remind Americans of this. 

We pray for all of these things in Jesus’ name, amen. 

Our decree:

We decree that the Lord forgives all our iniquities, and heals all our diseases (Psalm 103:3).

To register for the upcoming Healing Summit on October 25, go to

Click on the link below to watch the full video.


  1. James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 4160. 

  2. Ibid., ref. no. 5177.

2 commentaires

19 oct. 2024

Will the healing summit be available to watch online for those that can not go?


16 oct. 2024

Amen and Amen! Great message! Great testimonies! Our God is still the healing God, way maker! The BIBLE says to ask and you shall be saved and healed! Its that easy just believe when you pray! I've seen miracles over the years in our churches that I would not have believed if not seen it with my own eyes! Gods a great loving God! He care for our needs mentally, Physically and financially! I'll be praying for Gods healing power for the "Healing Service"! About the election, I pray constantly about it, very important election for our America and the American people! I pray its a fair election and for the good lords will to be done in it! I…

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