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October 17, 2024


You will be very encouraged by the incredible dream Holy Spirit recently gave my brother, Tim. The title is:

Anointed For Battle

There is an anointing now being poured out upon the true church, the King’s Ekklesia, that is different from what we’ve previously experienced. I believe it is an anointing for a current assignment. As heirs of Christ, we are always anointed with favor to prevail, but Holy Spirit also anoints us for special assignments. This anointing is a supernatural enablement to accomplish God-ordained purposes. 

Isaiah 10:27 (KJV) tells us that the anointing destroys the yoke. Although it is commonly stated that the anointing “breaks” the yoke, the true definition is “destroys.” Breaking something implies that it can perhaps be fixed, but God’s anointing absolutely destroys the yoke. I’m sensing a very aggressive anointing on Christ’s church to overcome evil in this current season.

The war against Christ’s Kingdom and Ekklesia is real and intensifying. But we are not intimidated! We have everything we need to prevail, overcome, and turn this nation around. Holy Spirit is anointing the Ekklesia for spiritual battle, and to occupy positions and territories. I believe the glorious Ekklesia is rising, just as God’s Word said it would. The Kingdom of God is amping up like I’ve never seen before to accomplish Christ’s purposes on the earth. 

A Powerful Dream

Holy Spirit gave me a dream that pictured and emphasized what He has been speaking to me. In the dream, I was camping with ancient Israel in the wilderness. It was the night before they were crossing into the Promised Land. Joshua was the leader then, as Moses had already gone on to be with the Lord. I was assisting Joshua and the leaders, serving any needs they had. A council meeting was called, and all the tribal leaders came from around the various camps to meet with Joshua and many military leaders. I listened to their discussions that night, thinking how historic it was and that I couldn’t believe I was witnessing it. 

In the opening of the meeting, these leaders rehearsed the promises God had given them – that the land was theirs by promise, but they also had to battle for it in order to occupy it. They also discussed the fact that the land would be given to them incrementally.  

As they spoke, one of the leaders said, “From Father Abraham until this day, our fathers have passed on to us these promises, and I believe it’s time: we must now occupy the land.” Another said, “Yes, it’s been 400 years, and I too believe it’s time.” Someone else said, “I’ve waited for this moment for years, and I too, believe it’s time.” This went on for a few moments; then the discussion turned toward the concerns of the people and what they may face. There was discussion concerning the children and protective details for their care. Then, the military leaders gave a briefing on what their intelligence was reporting, and a captain was assigned to guard against potential counterattacks from the Amorites.

This discussion went on for quite some time, and I became aware that I was observing a “war council” in ancient Israel. Toward the end of the meeting, one of the leaders brought up the apprehension some of the people were feeling. After all, it had been 400 years since the promise, plus they had been wandering in the wilderness for 40 years. At this point in the dream, Joshua spoke for the first time. He said to call the people from their tents so he could address them. 

The scene in the dream shifted to Joshua addressing the entire camp. I remember thinking: this is one of the most powerful speeches I’ve ever heard. He emphasized the need for courage, admitting to the people that when Moses died, he had felt overwhelmed. “But,” he said, “the Lord of Heaven told me to be strong and of good courage. Don’t fear. As I was with Moses, I will be with you. Lead My people into My promise.” He then raised his voice very loudly and said, “I have received divine assurance that we will possess the land. Our God is our Helper, and He will put our enemies underfoot. Set yourself for the inheritance promised. Set yourself for battle. Purify your hearts and remove sin from your life. Separate yourself to the purpose of Almighty God. Sons and daughters of Jehovah, soak your hearts in confident valor, trusting the Lord of hosts. Let a brave heart rise within you.” 

He then repeated the words the Lord had given to him, “Be strong and of good courage, do not fear. It is time to occupy the promise of your God for yourselves, your fathers, and your children.” A thunderous shout went up from the camp. That was the end of the dream.

I obviously knew I had dreamed a very biblical account from the book of Joshua. I believe we are now at a similar time. Holy Spirit was making the point that promises God has made us are now in their moment. It’s time to battle for them and occupy the land. We must take them by spiritual force, as Jesus referred to in Matthew 11:12 (NLT), which says we must forcefully advance, even as violence attacks us. The verse in the NKJV says, “The Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.” 

‘Take it by force’ is the Greek word harpazō, which means to seize, to grab hold of with bold determination, aggressively.(1) There are times when we must use ardent zeal and intense exertion to spiritually seize or lay hold of promises.

Holy Spirit is pouring out an anointing for a spiritual battle that will affect the natural realm. There’s a lion-like boldness coming upon the church to answer hell’s challenge. Proverbs 28:1(AMP) says the wicked flee when no one pursues them, but the uncompromisingly righteous are as bold as lions. 

The remnant warriors of the King must now manifest lion-like hearts. A lion-king will answer any challenge from another “lion” in his territory. His entire attitude changes, and a roar of courage rises from within. Likewise, we must avail ourselves to Holy Spirit’s anointing of boldness and courage as we battle hell for this nation.

We are battling principalities and powers, rulers of darkness of this world that have entrenched themselves in positions we should be influencing. We must be fearless warriors, standing for what we know is right and true. We must stand against evil’s intrusion with audacious bravery. 

It is important to remember that the Godhead has made great preparations for these times. He will help us remove the demonic agendas promoting evil in our land. He will help us expose and defeat those polluting our nation with wickedness. It’s time to soak in an anointing to battle and possess what God says. It’s time to rise with great confidence and possess our inheritance. It’s time to live in the promises God has made to us. 

Pray with me: 

Father God, we come boldly before Your throne, doing so in the name above every name, Jesus Christ our King. Lord, break the hold of darkness, break the diabolical structures, and send Your supernatural light. We declare that this is Your nation, and the recent schemes of our government will backfire in historic proportions. In the name of King Jesus, treacherous strategies will backfire, misfire, and boomerang! Expose hidden demonic agendas in the name of Jesus. We declare that principalities and powers of darkness ruling territories will be brought down in the name of Jesus. Bring change and shift things in Jesus’ name. Nothing can confine You. 

You are our warring King. Power of God, rise in this nation. Cause the Ekklesia to rise in aggressive authority, anointed with favor to prevail. Give us signs and wonders to confirm Your Word. Show us Your mightiness. Begin to move supernaturally. We know it is time to step into the fulfillment of Your promises. Your Kingdom come; Your will be done in Jesus’ name! Amen!

Our decree:  

We decree that Holy Spirit is anointing the King’s Ekklesia with boldness to spiritually occupy positions and territories. Let the roar of courage arise!

Today’s post was contributed by my brother, Tim. You can learn more about him at

Click on the link below to watch the full video.

  1. James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 726.


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