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October 19, 2023

Providence and Prodigals

As we pray regarding the coming revival and harvest, many are saying it will begin with a great influx of prodigals returning to the Lord. Holy Spirit gave a series of dreams to my friend, Ken Malone, regarding this. In today’s post, I am sharing his summary and insights regarding the dreams. They will encourage you. Ken shares:

“Over the last five years, I’ve had three dreams where the setting was a home Cheryl and I built in Providence, Alabama. We homesteaded the property, clearing the land, drilling a well, putting in a septic, planting crops, and building a home. We raised our children there for a short time; they all remember this property.

“We moved from the home in 1984 to enter full-time ministry. Upon selling it, we never looked back…until I started dreaming about it!

The First Dream

“In 2018, I dreamed we returned to Alabama and re-purchased the property. In real life, the current owner’s mom and dad were good friends of ours when we lived there. They lived about a mile from us, attended the same church as us, and together, we helped birth the Charismatic Renewal in the region. I found it interesting that I would dream that we had re-purchased the land and home.

“My wife, Cheryl, responded to the dream by saying, ‘That’s not a dream; that’s a nightmare.’ She wasn’t referring to the land, the home, or Alabama, but that moving from Florida and leaving our kids and grandkids would be a nightmare.

“I pondered this dream for some time, asking Yahweh why He had given it to me. I knew it was from Holy Spirit, but didn’t know why. Alabama is not on my radar regarding ministry, only to visit family and friends.

Second Dream

“Then, on September 14, 2021, the day Pastor David Yonggi Cho from Seoul, South Korea, went home to our Lord, I dreamed about the property again. In this dream, we are owners of the home again. Cindy Jacobs, a prophet and friend from Texas, is with me in the backyard. Cindy is prophesying to prodigals and the emerging generation, actually calling out the names of many. One of them is my own child! I’m on my knees beside Cindy, with my face in the dirt, travailing in prayer for mine and every other child she mentions - a generation of prodigals, destined to return to our Father.

“In the dream, I continue to pray, Cindy continues to prophesy. The travail becomes so intense that I am in physical pain, groaning and weeping. Cindy, it seems, doesn’t see me in these deep throes of intercession. It’s as if I am alone in this spiritual war for the prodigals. I have the thought, if she stops prophesying, maybe the intense travail will stop. Then I think, but children are born into the Kingdom through this type of intercession (Isaiah 66:8).

“I need help. While praying, I cry out, ‘Can someone help me?’

“Nothing happens; no one comes to my aid. I cry out again, with a very loud and fierce voice, ‘Go get Dutch Sheets; I need his help.’

“Someone goes in the backdoor, and Dutch comes out of my house and kneels in the dirt beside me. In my intense intercession, I’m thinking, He’s going to help me pray, birthing this movement of the prodigals returning home.

“Instead, Dutch places his hand on my back and says very strongly, ‘Finish this, Ken!’ (End of dream)

“I wake up. After going back to sleep, I dream the same dream again! When I awaken from it the second time, I’m weeping. I start to wonder: Why this dream? Why did it happen in Providence, Alabama? I don’t understand.

“In August of 2022, while visiting my mom, Cheryl and I drove by the house in Providence. ‘Lord,’ we asked, ‘are we to move back to Alabama?’ But we did not feel any pull towards returning, no leading from the Lord. In fact, Cheryl stated emphatically, ‘No, we are not to return.’

“I continued musing about these two dreams, one of them repeated. What’s going on here? What are You trying to show me, Lord? Then, in September of 2021, while thinking about the dream, Holy Spirit said, ‘Look at the definition of Providence.’ Here’s a portion of what I found:

  1. It’s a name our forefathers in America gave to Yahweh because of His divine care and direction of them.

  2. It also means to secure the future, to plan for the future.

“Suddenly, I knew what Holy Spirit was saying, not only to me, but to all of us: We must secure the future of the coming generation, including the prodigals, through deep, groaning, and travailing intercession.

A Third Dream

“On October 17, 2023, I awaken from yet another dream where I’m again in our former home in Providence, Alabama. In this dream, I’m asleep in the master bedroom. I wake up and notice the room; it is just as we left it in 1984. It is a beautiful and crisp fall morning. I walk out the front door with a cup of coffee and breathe in the fresh morning air. (End of dream)

“When I awakened from the dream, I said to Cheryl, ‘I had another dream last night.’

“She replied, ‘Don’t say it,’ knowing exactly what I was about to say before I said it. I told her anyway.

“Here are a few takeaways from these dreams, some for me personally, others for all of us:

  1. The dreams impacted my heart for the prodigals. I believe they’ll be the first fruits of the revival coming to all the earth. I have been praying for them ever since.

  2. Through the repurchasing of the property in Providence (as my dream mentioned), Holy Spirit is saying, ‘Secure the future.’ Pray to the Lord of the Harvest and decree the return of our sons and daughters.

  3. I have a strong connection to the property and what I built there. Not the home, but the well of prayer - revival prayer - on the property. All the years we were there, I prayed daily for revival. God is releasing that well NOW.

  4. Dutch didn’t help me pray. Instead, as an apostolic father, he encouraged a son to finish what Holy Spirit was conceiving in and through him.

  5. Through the third dream, I believe Holy Spirit is bringing assurance, saying to me, ‘Rest in Me; I’m going to do this.’

  6. The presence of Holy Spirit is in that home in Providence. I’m praying for the current owners to be impacted by His presence.

  7. Holy Spirit is brooding over Alabama. I also had a dream last year about Jefferson County, Alabama (I wrote about it; you can find it in my blog). All believers in Alabama should engage in travailing prayer for the Lord’s harvest in this state. I’m praying for you and your state.

  8. It amazes me how God uses the past to impact the future: ‘Repurchase the homestead.’ He said. ‘Secure the future of your sons and daughters.’

  9. It’s time for the return of the prodigals. They will rediscover their identity as sons and daughters, walking in the Father’s nature and authority.

  10. Let’s build a homestead with our sons and daughters.”

“Pray to the Lord of the Harvest. Ask Him to send laborers into the harvest fields of the prodigals. ‘Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.’” (Matthew 9:37-38 NASB)

“The song titled “Warrior” by Mylon LeFevre is always in my heart:

“Come on home to the Father, come on home to the Son. Come on home, the battle’s over, Christ has won. Come on home.”(1)

“Pray for the prodigals.”

Pray with me:

Father, thank You for these dreams. You are calling the names of prodigals. Our prayers are part of this. We call their names as well, calling them home. We ask that Holy Spirit convict them, bring them to their senses, and guide their thoughts back to Father’s house. We ask for angels to accompany them wherever they go, protecting, guiding, and communicating Your thoughts to them. Give them dreams, visions, encounters.

Lord of the harvest, send laborers to them. You know the voices they would listen to. You know the stories they need to hear. You know what circumstances would move them. We ask for these things to occur. Your word is eternal, alive; remind them of the Scriptures. Use the never-ending power in Scriptures they once heard, awakening its power in them now. We call it forth. We call an awakening of Your life in them.

And we bind every demonic spirit controlling their thoughts, beliefs, appetites, and decisions. We break the power of deception, confusion, addiction, rejection, and anything else being used to control them. We loose them from demonic control of their will. We pray and declare these things in the name that secures and guarantees the answer, Jesus.

Our decree:

We declare our faith in the power of the gospel, and in Holy Spirit’s ability to draw the prodigals back to Him. They’re coming home.

Click on the link below to watch the full video.

You can find out more about Ken Malone at




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