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October 2, 2023

The New Wine Dream, Part 5

In the last four posts, we have been discussing a powerful dream Holy Spirit gave Dr. Greg Hood. The dream is long, very detailed, and filled with hope. It pictures satan’s plans to thwart God’s intentions for America and God’s recipe for victory over it. Greg and I have been given a package to deliver to Ekklesia leaders, which contains the recipe for this victory. The recipe is for a “new wine” - an outpouring of Holy Spirit - made from a mixing of previous wines - past revivals - spanning five centuries. So far, we have looked at ten of the wines/movements. Today, we will see the 5th and last pour, consisting of the final two wines (making a total of twelve). Then, we will see the results.

(See previous posts here: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4)

The Final Pour

Tim, assigned to place the filters, grabbed another one and said, "This filter seems to be transparent; it will allow what is poured through it to be seen, not hidden. We’ll actually be able to see the wine mixing under the four filters.”

Jim said, "This filter is more than a Mamlakah(1) filter; it's an Apostolic Moreh Mamlakah filter. This one is needed in the final stages of the merger so the blend can balance, and the taste of the new wine will have a strength that causes a contagious intoxication."

I continue to be surprised at the many words, numbers, and dates - most of them unknown to Greg - given in this dream. Moreh(2) is another. First, as a reminder, mamlakah means “kingdom.” All of the past wines/outpourings were poured through “Kingdom Filters.” Moreh is the Hebrew word for “teacher.” The coming new wine outpouring will need “apostolic, Kingdom-hearted teachers,” allowing it to:

  • be clearly “seen, not hidden.” This new wine will come with revelatory teaching.

  • be “balanced.” Anointed apostolic teachers bring balance, depth, and order, enabling the church to build on a strong and pure foundation of Christ and His Word.

  • possess a “strength that will cause a contagious intoxication.” Many will want this new wine of the Spirit and, as Ephesians 5:18 instructs us, “Be filled with the Spirit.” The Message Translation of this verse is classic: “Don’t drink too much wine. That cheapens your life. Drink the Spirit of God, huge drafts of Him.”


The Wines

I turned to Greg and said, "Hood, you are holding the last two bottles. They are glowing a pure purple color. What are they?”

He responded, "One is a Lions Heart 1727 vintage from W. Tennent Log House Vineyard, and the other is an 1806 Thunderbolt from the Haystack Collection.

Purple, the color of the wines, symbolizes royalty and authority. This is consistent with the Lion Heart 1727 vintage from Tennent’s Log House Vineyard. Tennent was certainly a lion-hearted leader, and ministered in the First Great Awakening, challenging the clergy and the unbeliever alike. In 1727 he founded the Log College in Warminster, PA. Some have estimated that as many as 60 other schools were spawned from the fruit of Tennent’s Log College!

The 1806 Thunderbolt from the Haystack Collection is a humorous reference to the Haystack Prayer Meeting of 1806, which began at Williams College. Occurring during the Second Great Awakening, this prayer meeting launched the modern missions movement, resulting in thousands of missionaries being sent throughout the world.

In the summer of 1806, five students from the college met in a grove of trees to pray and discuss the needs of those in other countries. Their meeting was interrupted by a thunderstorm, and the students took shelter under a haystack and continued to pray until the sky cleared. (Thus, the name Haystack Prayer Meeting.) They and other students formed a group called The Brethren, to meet and discuss missions. This ultimately birthed a great missionary movement, that changed the world.

Jim informed Greg and me that he and I would make this pour together, one bottle each. Also, he said we would need to pour them simultaneously, just as with the previous pour. These two wines representing the First and Second Great Awakenings, prayer, training, missions, and much more, were poured together into one vat appropriately named the “Kingdom Ekklesia,” which already contained ten other wines/movements.

The New Wine Is Released

The new wine was ready! Jim referred to it as “a new, present-day, apostolic blend.” Then he added, “This blend has not yet been partaken of in the nation.”

We filled the new bottles, which pictures us, the church. Then he said, “The heat of the wine in the bottles will ignite them and transform them into rockets. NOW, Operation Paint the Target - Release Awakening is upon us. EVERYONE TO THE DOOR!”

This depiction of the heat/fire in the new wine and bottles pictures the fire of God coming to the Ekklesia through this fresh outpouring of Holy Spirit. We will be launched like rockets, carrying the new wine to targets, releasing awakening. “The battlefield is almost ready for us to launch,” I said.

A code from Scripture was decreed in order to open the door. It was Daniel 7:26-27: “But the court will convene for judgment, and his dominion will be taken away, annihilated and destroyed forever. Then the sovereignty, the dominion, and the greatness of all the kingdoms under the whole heaven will be given to the people of the saints of the Highest One; His kingdom will be an everlasting kingdom, and all the empires will serve and obey Him” (NASB).

The New Wine Bottle Rockets ignited and launched onto the America-shaped battlefield. Explosions of new wine rained down on the battlefield - it was everywhere! The only exception was the church that earlier in the dream, had turned us away, uninterested in the recipe. Everything else was covered. There was so much of the new wine that it formed a river of wine in America.

We all wept. (End of dream)

Surely, this is coming. God is even now blending people, movements, and the anointings of past revivals. He is challenging us to allow Holy Spirit’s renewal of our wineskins and the filtering of our movements and congregations. That which is coming, the new wine, will stretch us all. Inflexible wineskins will be incapable of holding this new wine. But those who allow this preparation to occur are about to become part of the greatest outpouring of Holy Spirit in Earth’s history.

He has saved the best for last!

Pray with me:

Father, thank You for giving this incredible dream to Greg Hood. It is so full of healthy reminders, sobering warnings, confirmations, encouragement, prophetic enlightenment, and more. Though we find ourselves on the America-shaped battlefield, we do not fear the bullets; You have given your angels charge over us to keep us in all of our ways. We do not fear the religious spirit that opposes the new, satisfied with yesterday’s wine, rituals, and routines, nor do we despise them. We pray for the eyes of their understanding to be opened, their hearts to become hungry, and their minds to be opened.

We thank You for Jesus, our chief cornerstone. We pledge to measure everything we do from Him, and do all things through Him. In Him, we live and move and have our being. We pledge to be a Kingdom Ekklesia, focusing not on our own ministries and success, but on Your great cause and Kingdom. We pledge to submit to the Kingdom filter.

And we honor those in Your great cloud of witnesses. We thank them - through You - for their faithfulness, sacrifices, and tireless efforts. We are mindful and thankful for the legacy they gave us, for the “wine” they provided from their movements, a wine from which we drink today.

And now, we pray for the completion of the wine-making process. Mix the movements all together, making them one. Add the fire of Holy Spirit, sweeten it with the aroma of worship and prayer, and make it robust and strong. Pour it in the church, ignite us, and send us to the battlefield. We have painted the target, commanded the foreword, and anchored the states. Now, release the awakening, here and around the world. In Christ’s authority, His name, we ask. Amen.

Our Decree:

We decree that a mighty river of new wine is going to flow in America and the nations of the earth.

You can find out more about Dr. Greg Hood at

Click on the link below to watch the full video.

  1. James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 4467.

  2. Ibid, ref. no. 4176.


The New Wine Dream, Part 5 - Greg Hood (9/2023)

Tim again grabs another filter in his hand; he says, “This filter seems to be transparent, but it’s a filter nonetheless. It will allow what is poured through it to be seen, not hidden. You will be able now to see the wine as you have never before seen it.”

Jim said, “This filter is more than a Mamlakah filter; it’s an Apostolic Moreh Mamlakah filter. It’s needed in the final stages of the merger so that the blend can balance and the taste of the new wine will have a strength that will cause a contagious intoxication.”

Dutch turned to me (Greg) and said, “Hood, you are holding the last two bottles. They are glowing a pure purple color. What are they.”

I said, “One is a Lions Heart 1727 vintage from W. Tennent Log House Vineyard, and the other is a 1806 Thunderbolt from the Haystack Collection.

As Dutch was about to instruct me to make my way up the ladder as the others did, Jim interrupted him and said, “Boys, hang on a minute. You both will have to climb the ladder together. Greg, you must take and pour the 1727 Lions Heart from W. Tennent Log House Vineyard, and Dutch will carry the 1806 Thunderbolt from the Haystack Collection. Dutch, you will go up the ladder first, and Greg, you will follow. These bottles must be merged in the vat with the others in the same fashion as the ones Jones poured.”

Dutch and I made our way up the ladder, stood at the opening of the vat, and began to merge both bottles of wine into the vat. As we poured through the transparent Moreh Mamlakah filter, Jim excitedly ordered Tim to swing an arm, attached to the vat below, over the new bottles on the table beside the vat. He said, “Timothy, open the spout and let the new wine fill the bottles.” As he said this, we saw three men step out of the cloud of witnesses. We knew these men. Our hearts leaped with great excitement. As we all stood on the 264-inch by 22-inch catwalk, we continued praying, prophesying, decreeing, and praying in the Spirit.

The wine flowed into these new bottles. Jim said to us, “Come down quickly. The fermentation process is complete, the bottles are filled, and we must ready them to launch.” He said, “This new blend is a new present-day apostolic blend. This blend has not been partaken of in the nation yet.” He excitedly said, “The heat of the wine in the bottles will ignite them and transform them into rockets. NOW, “Operation Paint the Target - Release Awakening,” is upon us.” Jim commanded, “EVERYONE TO THE DOOR!”

We all quickly gathered at the door by which we entered the wine cellar, waiting for it to open to see these now “Bottle Rockets” launched. We stood there for what seemed like forever with great anticipation. Dutch said as he stared at his watch, “Just a few more minutes, folks. The battlefield is almost ready for us to launch.” With a commanding voice, Dutch spoke, “Tim, this door and the New Wine Bottle rockets are voice-activated. You are holding the key. On my count, speak to the door and the New Wine Bottle Rockets. Open the door and release the rockets into their assignment.” Dutch begin to count down, “10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2,1, DECLARE!”

Tim then begins to declare Daniel 7:26-27. The door to the wine cellar opened, and the New Wine Bottle Rockets ignited and launched onto the raging, America-shaped battlefield. As they traveled to their assignment, we could hear explosions of the New wine beginning to rain down on the nation. We all ran to the top of the staircase back onto the battlefield. We could see the new blend of wine everywhere. The only place that seemed not to be totally covered was the church that wouldn’t let us inside. Everything else on the nation-shaped battlefield appeared to be covered with this new wine blend, so much so that we could see a new river forming in the nation.

We all wept.

(End of dream)


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