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October 2, 2024


Second Timothy 3:1 says: “…in the last days perilous times will come.” The Greek word from which we get “perilous” here is chalepos.(1) It means “difficult, fierce, dangerous, savage.” Many people down through history have faced chalepos times; we are most certainly in one now. 

Our nation certainly finds itself in very difficult and dangerous times: corruption is great in our government; division and unrest are strong and on the rise; millions of illegals, including thousands of criminals and terrorists, are in our country; multiple assassination attempts have occurred against a former President; a strike began last night that could cripple America’s supply chain and further damage our economy; the recent catastrophic damage caused by Hurricane Helene; I could go on. 

Then there are the perilous times globally. China is bullying and intimidating throughout that region; Russia has attacked and is at war with Ukraine; Iran and its surrogates continue to attack Israel and threaten the United States. Israel has responded by annihilating Hamas and Hezbollah, then was attacked by Iran yesterday. At the time of this recording (last evening), it was speculated that Israel would hit back hard, which may have occurred last night. Trump continues to warn us that the weak and inept Biden/Harris administration has brought us to the brink of WWIII. 

Prophetic voices warned us numerous times that this shaking was coming, and it is likely to intensify. We were also told not to fear but to remain strong in faith and faithful in prayer. A trusted friend and intercessor, Jay Comiskey, sent me a word from the Lord a few days ago. I feel it is timely and want to share it with you today. I have titled it:

“Fight, Fight, Fight…”

The Holy Spirit has given the Body of Christ an amazing prophetic word for this season. It is a simple, yet profound declaration from Him. Embrace this word, and it will activate your faith. Romans 10:17 says, “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word [rhema](2) of God.” Rhema means “a spoken word.” The word of the Lord brings faith.


I believe this is a NOW word from God that will empower our faith and activate the body of Christ to believe in the impossible.

  1. On Saturday, July 13th, 2024, a bold, courageous word was uttered by former President Donald J. Trump. In the midst of the surprise attack of an assassin’s bullet, while holding his bloody ear, Trump raised his fist and declared, “Fight, Fight, Fight…”

    This was a trumpet blast for all who love America. It was a call to wake up and join the battle for the soul of our beloved nation.

  2. Nehemiah knew that God’s people had to fight if they were to accomplish their assignment to rebuild and restore the walls of Jerusalem. Nehemiah 4:14 (NLT) tells us, “Then as I looked over the situation, I called together the nobles and the rest of the people and said to them, ‘Don’t be afraid of the enemy! Remember the Lord, who is great and glorious, and fight for your brothers, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your homes!’”

  3. How do we “fight” as Christians?

  • With high praise and worship (Psalm 149)

  • With tears of mourning and prayer for our children and their generation left desolate (Nehemiah 4:14; Matthew 23:37-38; Luke 13:34-35)

  • With repentance for our wicked ways (2 Chronicles 7:14)

  • With intercession for “God’s kingdom to come and His will be done” in America. We recognize and discern that our battle is “Not against people, but against evil powers …” (Matthew 6:10; Ephesians 6:10-18). 

  • Pray in the Spirit with all prayer and supplication (Ephesians 6:18)

  • Declarations from God’s Word and His awesome promises (Ephesians 6:17; Job 22:28)

  • Taking prayer journeys to Washington D.C., your state capital, your neighborhood

  • Join prayer efforts such as the Global Day of Prayer we recently had on September 22. If possible, on October 12, 2024 (Saturday), join Lou Engle and the Million Women Esther’s Gathering on the Washington D.C. Mall

  • Stay informed on the core issues of the upcoming election

  • Make sure your church is active and informed

  • Ask your pastor how you can help

  • and VOTE


4. Fighting the Good Fight of Faith

The Apostle Paul could summarize his Christian journey as a “fight” of faith and charged leaders to follow his example:

  • 1 Timothy 6:12 – “Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life…”

  • 2 Timothy 4:7 – “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.

  • 2 Timothy 2:3 – “You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier.”

5. Winston Churchill and the Call to Fight (June 4, 1940 – speech given to Great Britain’s House of Commons):

“We shall go on to the end; we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender…”(3)


Our God is a mighty Warrior! Isaiah 42:10-13 (NASB) says, “Sing to the Lord a new song, Sing His praise from the end of the earth! You who go down to the sea, and all that is in it. You islands, and those who dwell on them. Let the wilderness and its cities lift up their voices...Let the inhabitants sing aloud, let them shout for joy from the tops of the mountains. Let them give glory to the Lord and declare His praise in the coastlands. The Lord will go forth like a warrior; He will arouse His zeal like a man of war. He will utter a shout, yes, He will raise a war cry. He will prevail against His enemies.”


As we praise and worship, and sing a new song, He fights on our behalf (See 2 Chronicles 20:1-30).

Pray with me:

Father, we were told by You:

“But you need to be aware that in the final days, the culture of society will become extremely fierce. People will be self-centered lovers of themselves and obsessed with money. They will boast of great things as they strut around in their arrogant pride and mock all that is right. They will ignore their own families. They will be ungrateful and ungodly. They will become addicted to hateful and malicious slander. Slaves to their desires, they will be ferocious, belligerent haters of what is good and right. With brutal treachery, they will act without restraint, bigoted and wrapped in clouds of their conceit. They will find their delight in the pleasures of this world more than the pleasures of the loving God. They may pretend to have respect for God, but in reality, they want nothing to do with God’s power. Stay away from people like these!” ‭‭(2 Timothy‬ ‭3‬:‭1‬-‭5‬ TPT‬‬)

You also told us not to fear these perilous times, but to fight the good fight of faith (1 Timothy 6:12). You said to war for our families (Nehemiah 4:14), and for Your Kingdom purposes to be accomplished on earth (Matthew 6:10). We will do so, fighting spiritually for protection, restoration and the establishment of Your Kingdom purposes on earth. We will not waver, nor will we fear. 

We continue to ask for corruption to be exposed in our land and throughout the world. Protect Israel from the demonic prince of Persia and his instrument of terror, Iran. Overthrow this prince and free the people of Iran from its hold. Send revival to all of the Middle East. 

Bring supernatural aid and support to those suffering in the areas decimated by Hurricane Helene. Help organizations get to victims with the help they need - food, water, shelter, power and other essential items. Cause many who do not know You to find You during this time of need. Use this difficult time to spark revival. 

I pray all these things in the name of our Lord and King, Jesus. Amen. 

Our decree:

We decree that we will continue to fight for the spiritual breakthroughs needed in this difficult hour. 

Click on the link below to watch the full video.

Book Recommendation from Jay Comiskey:

This Day We Fight – Breaking the Bondage of a Passive Spirit

By Francis Frangipane (publisher: Chosen Books)


Part 1 – Fighting the Good Fight

Part 2 – Exposing the Enemy’s Weapons

Part 3 – Fighting for Our Loved Ones

Part 4 – Fighting for the World Around Us


  1. James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 5467.

  2. Ibid., ref. no. 4487.



Amen and Amen! Great message! I think people are afraid of the truth about the shape of America and the World or in! Pure denial ! They better wake up before its to late! America and the World or on fire! Look at Israel that could be us! Terrorist chanting death to Israel and America, here in America! Wake up America, we need God more than ever in my life time! Ephesians 6:10 Finally my brethren , be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might, Put on the whole armor of God , that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the Devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but…


It is interesting how Q predicted DJT picture with his arm up... saying, "Fight, Fight, Fight on Sep, 17, 2018. I wonder how they knew exactly how it was going to look.


Unknown member
Oct 02

Excellent post, perfectly timed for sending to family and friends. It sums up what we are supposed to do, identifies the times with the truth of scriptures, and quickens the spirit within to respond and follow the instruction. Perfecto!

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