Hello, and thank you for joining me today for Give Him 15. There are some messages that are good for us to hear more than once. Today, you’re going to hear a strategic and very timely message shared by a friend of mine, Dr. Scott Reece. It is handpicked by me, and very encouraging. You will be blessed.
Tomorrow, I will be responding to questions regarding the timing of the potential shaking in America. Was it supposed to occur in September? How have our prayers impacted this? We will answer this and other questions tomorrow; don’t miss it.
Here is Scott…
And Suddenly!
“And suddenly, there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting,” (from Acts 2:2).
God was about to change the course of the world! The earth was still resounding from the amazing season of the ministry of Jesus on the earth, and now God was about to populate the entire earth with the sons and daughters of the kingdom, who would carry the message of the king and the kingdom into every stratum of life and every generation right up until this very moment.
This suddenly moment was the response to an upper room call. Things would never be the same again. Life would never go back to normal, and the ministry and life of Jesus would be perpetuated throughout the generations because the first-century Ekklesia stepped beyond the boundaries of their comfort zone and stepped into the reality of God’s kingdom being birthed on the earth as it had never been before.
I believe that even as it was in the first century and in that small gathering place, when a kingdom assignment was released, the Ekklesia stands at a pivotal moment, and once again, we are being beckoned into upper room moments so that suddenlies can be released in you and through you.
You are coming into a “Suddenly Season!”
This scripture has been resonating in me for the last several days, and there are many things that God is speaking to me about this, but I have to release this one today…
And, Suddenly!
The Greek word for suddenly is “Aphanes.” It actually means something that has been hidden and not yet manifest. In other words, your “suddenlies aren’t so suddenly.”(1)
Your suddenlies are those moments that have been ordained by God, and are being released at the exact moment that your destiny and purpose demand it. The suddenlies are determined by God, but activated by your faith and obedience. Many suddenlies have been delayed because of disobedience or even sometimes spiritual resistance from the enemy.
The disciples of Jesus gathered in obedience in the Upper Room, came into agreement, and began to permeate the atmosphere with worship. Their faith activated the kingdom realm, and the response was a “suddenly” that had been planned for eons of time!
The Word of the Lord
“I am bringing you into your “Suddenly Season.” The plans and purposes of your life have been carefully and strategically orchestrated. The kingdom administration that will bring alignment to your natural world has been released.
“The delays regarding your destiny have been deactivated. I have ordained divine encounters, supernatural moments, prophetic partnerships, breakthroughs, and provision to usher you into this season of your suddenlies. The result will be a breakthrough outpouring of My power and grace that will give birth to a new movement in your life, family, and future.
“What you will see and experience in this season will be the manifestation of the dreams, passions, and visions that you have held on to in your heart. The intimate whispers that you have heard in the night from My Spirit are coming into fruition.”
I hear the Lord saying, “This is not a season of delay, but delight.” Get your natural house and world in order. Become alert, aware, and attentive to the slightest moves of the anointing and the clouds that hold the rains of your provision.
Why is that so important?
There is a suddenly mantle that is being released upon this generation. A mantle that has only been experienced up to this point by individuals, but the demand for breakthrough demands a corporate mantle.
God is moving upon the entire movements of people who will be connected by the anointing, not by denominational or organizational ties. In these days, organizations will become dimmed by the light of a new anointing that unites instead of divides.
The day is at hand. These are not days where the Ekklesia will bow down and surrender, or only a handful will make it. Jesus is establishing His kingdom throughout all the earth!
The enemy has control over the carnal kingdom of the world, but the greater kingdom is arising in strength, power, favor, and breakthrough, and it will subdue the kingdoms of this world and its gods.
The promise is to the Ekklesia, not to an organization. The church stands united, not under the banner of men, but under the victorious One who righteously reigns supreme and with all authority!
Get ready for your suddenlies!
Pray with me:
Father, today, I come into agreement with those in the Ekklesia who seek Your heart and seek Your face. I come into submission to the plans and the purpose of God for my life, and for what You desire to do in the earth today.
I give birth to the will of God on the earth, and I posture myself for the suddenlies that You have ordained for my life. I step into my “suddenly” season with full expectation of the manifestation of the reality of the kingdom in my life, my family, my calling, and my destiny in Jesus' Name!
Our decree:
We decree that we will step into our suddenlies with authority in a righteous determination to be the voice of the Ekklesia, bringing hope, revival, and restoration in the world today!
Today’s post was contributed by Dr. Scott Reece. You can find out more about Scott here.
Click on the link below to watch the full video.
James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 852.