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September 20, 2024

What America Desperately Needs

In yesterday’s post, I spoke about John the Baptist and his road-building calling. He was a forerunner, called to “prepare the way,” to build a “highway”(Isaiah 40:3), upon which Messiah could enter the earth. 

Road builders have to begin by clearing, leveling, and forming straight passageways (verse 4). This can be challenging and difficult. When building natural highways, the work begins with bulldozers, earthmovers, and sometimes even dynamite. Then the process moves to paving, painting, and dressing up the project, usually with a different crew, definitely with different equipment. 

Difficult preparation such as that involved in road-building is true for many types of transitions and seasons of change. Constructing houses and other structures begins with digging and clearing; the process is muddy, messy, and ugly. Restructuring corporations can be chaotic, even painful for some involved. Progress, which often demands change, can be tough. Without doubt, when referencing the role of John, Holy Spirit chose His analogy very intentionally and carefully. “This’ll get ugly before it gets beautiful,” was the point. 

But there WAS a glorious purpose and end result in mind. Isaiah 40 mentions glory, good tidings, rewards, loving and caring for flocks - all this and more would ride into Israel on this road (verses 5-11). Messiah, our Redeemer, would travel the highway. The change, though painful, would ultimately be good. 

Restoring and restructuring nations can also be messy, even more so when deep levels of sin and darkness are involved. God told Jeremiah He would use him to “root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down,” before using him “to build and to plant” (Jeremiah 1:10). Dismantle, then rebuild; tear down, then build up. 

America is now clearly in a sinful state that will require much bulldozing before the rebuilding begins. Enter Donald Trump. Yes, he has the personality and temperament of a bulldozer. Yes, sometimes he makes messes, creates piles of rubble, and tears down old structures. But let’s face it: there is an enormous amount of debris in America that needs to be removed. “Mr Nice Guy” could absolutely not do what needs to be done to save America. We need demolition first, then the building crew. Personally, I think that if Trump is reelected, it’ll take most of his second term just to bulldoze and clear. Someone else will likely need to follow this with years of restructuring and rebuilding. 

Now, here is a concern I have which I believe is shared by many. As I alluded to yesterday, the personality of a forerunner can be crusty and harsh. And yes, sometimes it’s necessary. John called the Pharisees and Sadducees - to their faces - a “generation of vipers” (Matthew 3:7). That’s much worse than being called “fake news,” by the way. BUT, John wasn’t operating in a democratic republic; he wasn’t being voted on. God appointed him, anointed him, and that was that. Americans, on the other hand, elect their president.

Currently, there is a dynamic involved in this that Trump must face. Many Americans are alarmed at the division in our nation. The left, including the media,  specializes in “identity politics” and “class warfare.” While claiming the opposite, their strategy is to divide us. And they have succeeded. Then, they blame their opponents for what they have done. They’re expert liars and manipulators. 

Oblivious to its cause, many Americans have become alarmed at the level of hatred and division in our nation, and rightfully so. While they see the need for many of the changes Trump speaks of, they also recognize the need for healing. In a president - especially now - they want a unifier, not a divider. 

Great wisdom is needed. With America’s need for change, a forerunner like Trump will HAVE TO rock the boat, just as Reagan did in the 1980s. He spoke truth and ruffled feathers, but in a wise way that wasn’t considered mean-spirited. In many respects, Reagan “fathered” America. He brought correction at times, even sternly, but did so with a father’s heart. He was not perceived as insulting or vindictive, not a “mud-slinger” or a “gun-slinger,” but a “truth-slinger.” And his truth came across as wisdom, not sarcasm. 

If Trump were to allow God to put this heart in him - and Yahweh will if allowed - he would win the election in an absolute landslide, just as Reagan did his second term. Americans know we need some “fixing,” but they also know we need some unifying. I feel we must pray for this “father-heart” to emerge in Trump, enabling him to speak with wisdom. Proverbs 3:11-18, The Passion Translation, mentions this wisdom and fathering heart:

“My child, when the Lord God speaks to you, never take His words lightly, and never be upset when He corrects you. For the Father’s discipline comes only from His passionate love and pleasure for you. Even when it seems like His correction is harsh, it’s still better than any father on earth gives to his child. Blessings pour over the ones who find wisdom, for they have obtained living-understanding [an understanding of how to live]... 

“As wisdom increases, a great treasure is imparted, greater than many bars of refined gold. It is a more valuable commodity than gold and gemstones, for there is nothing you desire that could compare to her. Wisdom extends to you long life in one hand and wealth and promotion in the other. Out of her mouth flows righteousness, and her words release both law and mercy.


“The ways of wisdom are sweet, always drawing you into the place of wholeness. Seeking for her brings the discovery of untold blessings, for she is the healing tree of life to those who taste her fruits.”

Pray with me: 

Father, America desperately needs change, and we need this communicated with a wisdom that will enable us to accept the change. If this is to come through Donald Trump, we pray that You would give him YOUR heart for America. Give him strength laced with humility, truth clothed in lovingkindness, and wisdom flowing from a father’s heart. 

Temper his zeal and strength. We need his zeal, just as zeal for Father’s house consumed Jesus. But Christ was always led by Holy Spirit, even when cleansing the Temple and denouncing hypocrisy. We love the strength Trump demonstrated when shot; we love his passion for America. Now, Father, temper these assets with Your heart. 

Give Trump a significant and life-altering encounter with You. Fill him with Your Spirit, teach him to hear Your voice, and give him a love for Your Word. May he exemplify the fruit of Holy Spirit and may he be one who meets with You regularly. Mature him spiritually, we pray. And please continue to protect him. In Yeshua’s name, we pray this. Amen. 

Our decree:

We decree that Donald Trump will have a strong, life-altering encounter with Holy Spirit.

Click on the link below to watch the full video.


8 comentarios

20 sept 2024

Amen and Amen! Great message from God! I totally agree need need president Trump back in the white house(the people house) more than ever! Lots and lots of work to do to repair our America! I voted for him twice and will vote for him again! I was not sure that first year that he could win. My wife talked me into it, said he was our best chance to win against Hilary! She was right. I remember I prayed and prayed that he would win against her! Evil person, Benghazi and all and all the other bad thing she's done! Thank God she did not win and president Trump did! I think God has really worked through president Trump…

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Miembro desconocido
20 sept 2024

Let God arise!! Let the Church arise!! Let the

Enemy be confused and be scattered!

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Kathy Wenzel
Kathy Wenzel
20 sept 2024

The Lord has truly chosen a man of strength to be the Bulldozer and Wrecking Ball for this nation. Our president, Donald Trump, is designed for this job. He has done this job in the physical and is now doing it in the spiritual. We need his vision and expertise because we are in a time of war. The enemy is trying to tear down what God built in the past and we need to tear down the bulwarks of the enemy.

I pray for the Bulldozer and all his crew to do the job of demolition necessary. The division in the nation is the work of the enemy and the enemy of the people must be removed. That ene…

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donald lee
donald lee
20 sept 2024

Dutch, there is a subtle trap I’m afraid you may have fallen into. Before I explain, let me first say that I agree with your prayer about a life altering encounter with Holy Spirit for Donald Trump. The trap is that honest (internal) polling already shows Trump will win in a landslide of an honest election. The Fake News wants us to believe that if Trump were nicer, he’d be more popular. But the truth is that he knows far more than you or I do about the level of depravity and demonic activity the establishment system has purposely enabled, and given that knowledge and given his role in the great awakening, he is functioning under a level of Holy…

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20 sept 2024

Months ago I had a prophetic dream where DJT was on his knees at Jesus' feet in tears saying I really tried to save America. My understanding was it was at that moment he surrenders all to Jesus who takes the wheel to see God's plan through with DJT walking it out in obedience to God's plan. Would love others to pray and discern over this dream as it aligns with today's declaration. Thank you Jesus

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donald lee
donald lee
20 sept 2024
Contestando a

Your dream seems to not see something we Who have been closely following these things for decades know to be true, that Donald Trump was recruited into his role as public leader of a military operation and strategy to take back America. So I can’t see him saying “I really tried”. Of course he’s doing his best, but its really not up to him. There is a strategy he is working and those who planned the strategy conceived it, I believe, though much payer and fasting. Most Christians expect that if that were true, they’d know about it. But I’ve learned that God’s warfare operations are on a need to know basis.

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