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September 28, 2021

Hearts Ablaze

I was in Orlando Saturday and Sunday, speaking at the annual conference of Women’s Aglow International. I have run with this ministry for many years and have a very high level of respect for them. It is extremely rare for a ministerial organization as large as them to maintain itself as a “new,” pliable wineskin. They have done so, however.

What I felt and saw and experienced there was also an encouraging confirmation of the outpouring I see coming. Seeing God resetting Aglow once again (this was the conference theme), preparing them, as well as other ministries, for a new season of fruitfulness and frontline ministry is another sign that we’re on the cusp of a worldwide revival. Those attending, as well as thousands online, enthusiastically embraced the challenge to do whatever was necessary to fulfill their role in this outpouring.

I must say that I was exceptionally intense and emotional as I spoke there. It was as if I could feel the very heart of God yearning for this awakening. He wants it more than we do. It is not easy for us humans to carry the passion of God. When Jesus said His burden was easy and light, He was not speaking of His heart to redeem people; Christ was referring to the yoke of His Lordship. Coming under the Lordship of Christ is liberating, brings unspeakable joy and gives peace that passes understanding. Carrying His heart for people, however, can be weighty.

I felt the fire of God very deeply in my being at the meetings, as did those listening. I have felt this elsewhere of late, also. Father is incredibly passionate about what is coming. Ask Him to allow you to tap into this fire. Saturday night I spoke on Tennent’s Fire, which I mentioned on Give Him 15 for the second time in yesterday's post. For those who did not see the post, Tennent’s message, which helped fuel the First Great Awakening in the 1700s, was that the clergy needed to be awakened. They needed fresh fire.

The fire of revival is not just Holy Spirit fire that burns up/consumes sin. It brings several things to us: it produces burning revelation. The two disciples who conversed with Jesus on the road to Emmaus said their hearts burned as He opened the scriptures to them (Luke 24:32). God’s message in the hearts of those who deliver it is also described as a fire (Jeremiah 20:9). And love is referred to as a fire (Song of Solomon 8:6). God wants our hearts to burn with passion for Him, as His does for us.

I love the song, Obsession, from 1995, released by the British band Delirious. Speaking of an obsession for God, the chorus says, “My heart burns for You.” At one point in the recording, the singer cannot contain his passion any longer and shouts, “What can I do with my obsession?” Friend, if your heart does not burn for Him, it can. Ask Holy Spirit for this. Ask Him to restore passion to you, until you are obsessed with Him!

In the dream regarding Tennent, given to Greg Hood, the Angel Gabriel said, “If you prime this well you will make many enemies among the religious. But, if you do prime this well, many will catch fire!” Also in the dream, to restart the fire of Tennent’s Well of Revival we had to pour in fresh oil. The oil was labeled “Hebrews 1:7,” which says, ”And regarding the angels, He says, ‘He makes His angels winds, And His ministers a flame of fire.’”

Several weeks back I mentioned the song Send the Fire by William Booth, founder of The Salvation Army. I read some of the words. It is resounding in my heart once again today, however, so I’m going to read the entire song to you:

“O God of burning cleansing flame:

Send the fire!

Your blood-bought gift today we claim:

Send the fire today!

Look down and see this waiting host,

And send the promised Holy Ghost;

We need another Pentecost!

Send the fire today!

Send the fire today!

God of Elijah, hear our cry:

Send the fire!

And make us fit to live or die:

Send the fire today!

To burn up every trace of sin,

To bring the light and glory in,

The revolution now begin!

Send the fire today!

Send the fire today!

It's fire we want, for fire we plead:

Send the fire!

The fire will meet our every need:

Send the fire today!

For strength to always do what's right,

For grace to conquer in the fight,

For power to walk the world in white:

Send the fire today!

Send the fire today!

To make our weak hearts strong and brave:

Send the fire!

To live, a dying world to save:

Send the fire today!

Oh, see us on Your altar lay,

We give our lives to You today,

So crown the offering now we pray:

Send the fire today!

Send the fire today!

Send the fire today!”(1)

Pray with me:

Father, this is our prayer. Send the fire. Cause great hunger to rise up in the hearts of Your leaders, and also in the body of Christ at large. May a burning passion to know and experience You take control of us until You become our obsession.

Burn up sin and compromise. And cause Your Word to burn within us. May the consuming fire of Your presence invade every area of our lives. Ruin us! May our pulse quicken at the mention of Your name, our eyes tear up at the sound of Your voice.

It’s fire we want, for fire we plead. Send the fire!

Our decree:

Our hearts will burn with the fire of passion and revival!

Click on the link below to watch the full video.




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