March 21, 2025
First of all, I want to thank you for such a wonderful response regarding the upcoming elections in Wisconsin. The feedback we are receiving is that many have responded to this simple yet brilliant plan of sending letters, encouraging like-minded individuals to vote. Million Voices, those leading this incredibly important effort are very appreciative; they also tell me they still need more letters sent and time is short. This election has such incredible ramifications for the entire nation that I am now hearing secular media speak of it accordingly. Some are predicting that $100 million will be spent on this one election. If you did not see the important post regarding this entitled “A Critical and Time Sensitive Opportunity,” you can find it here. Please get involved if you can; you do not have to be a Wisconsin resident to help. And thank you again for your time and prayers.
Today’s post
Those who formed America, both its leaders (including in the church) and the general population, knew God and man would have to work together in order for the nation to be formed and succeed. God would supply 1) the wisdom and understanding of His laws and ways found in Scripture; 2) the natural resources; and 3) the blessings reaped from obedience sown. Man’s part would be to 1) remain in right relationship with this heavenly source (which included honoring and walking in His ways; 2) seek and apply His wisdom and guidance; and 3) implement hard work to maximize His resources. It isn’t all that complicated.
God would do His part, we would do ours. He would NOT do our part, we CANNOT do His.
There was no separation between God and country in their thinking. No, they did not want a state-run church or a church-run state. But they did want a God-influenced, God-honoring, and God-blessed government and nation. His ways would be the source of their laws and government, His favor would be the source of their protection and blessing. This partnership and alliance is biblical, demonstrated through Israel, and every other person God has used.
In America’s relationship and partnership with God, believers (the church) would of course be a voice into government, along with all other citizens. It was, after all, a democratic republic. These believers would also pray for government leaders, those who carried the weighty responsibility of understanding and applying God’s principles of truth and justice for the nation. “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty” (1 Timothy 2:1-2).
Somewhere along the way things changed. Some members of government decided, “we don’t want God’s or the church’s involvement. Christians can be in government,” they said, “but leave the Bible and your faith out of it.” (This is called secularism.) Conversely, some in the church agreed, saying, “we don’t want to be involved.” How asinine and foolish it is for a nation to say they don’t want God‘s influence in their government; and how heretical and foolish it is for believers to relinquish their voices into God’s method of releasing justice and peace on earth: government.
In the church, these changes influenced doctrine. Many believers in America now contend that the church should stay out of “politics,” as though using this word instead of “government” somehow exonerates them from their “we the people” responsibility. Just “preach the gospel,” they say, often quoting Jesus’ words, “My Kingdom is not of this world” (John 18:36). Interpretation: Just work to get people born again and ultimately to Heaven; don’t concern yourself with the affairs of earth.
Pardon my sarcasm, but I guess Holy Spirit didn’t get the message. He put hundreds of principles in the Scriptures regarding how to live here on earth, including how to govern. The last time I checked, the principles contained in the Bible were all regarding how to live on and govern the earth, not heaven. Yet many in the church have no time for these “petty” principles regarding stewardship of the earth. “Just get people to heaven!” they preach. “To hell with this evil and corrupted earth.” Yet, God had not even ended the first chapter of Scripture before He announced the divine-human partnership, assigning Adam and Eve the responsibility of managing and governing the earth for Him.
The horrible irony is that pulling out of government – which includes not praying for those involved in it, not speaking into it, not teaching on it, and not participating in the process – invites the rule of darkness, corruption, wars, suffering, and evils of every sort. It doesn’t help get people TO heaven, it keeps them FROM heaven.
Thankfully, a segment of believers is being awakened to the divine-human partnership established by God on earth. Revelation of the Creator’s plan for His kids to manage the earth with Him, implementing the ways and plans of His Kingdom, is on the increase. The earth is groaning and travailing for the full manifestation of this (Romans 8:19).
One of the ways we can involve ourselves in this partnership is simply by praying for government. We CAN influence and empower those in authority through our prayers and Spirit-led decrees of God’s Word. We can bind evil spirits that are behind evil laws, and ask God to remove those who dishonor Him and His ways. Please do so. And pastors, honor the words of Christ and make your church a “house of prayer” (Matthew 21:13). Offer up a prayer or two in your services regarding government and God’s influence there. Do so not just for America, but for all nations. If this simple act of obedience alone occurred, it would change the world overnight.
Pray with me:
Father, we know You want to bring change, but the change will involve us. You want to deliver, but the deliverance will be released through us. We are Your agents of change, those who birth Your will on earth through our prayers and declarations. We are Your family, Your representatives and partners on earth.
As such, we pray for the manifestation of Your Kingdom’s purposes and principles in our government. We ask for this in our Executive Branch, our Congress, and our Judicial system. As You did through Jeremiah, root out, pull down, destroy, throw down, build, and plant (Jeremiah 1:10). Whatever is required, we ask that You do it.
Remove the influence of activist judges. Do not allow them to succeed in preventing the changes we need in America. Give us righteous judges who have backbone, men and women who are fearless and uncompromising, from the Supreme Court down through the entire judicial system of our government. Please do this in Wisconsin’s upcoming election.
Thank You for the revival that is beginning among the young people in America. You told us You would do this and it is taking place. Now cause such a powerful revival to sweep through our land that every branch of our government is also impacted. Give us leaders who are on fire for You, living lives of devotion and passion, honoring Your Word and ways above all else. All of this we pray in Yeshua’s name. Amen.
Our decree:
We decree that the fruit of God’s partnership between Him and His people will fully manifest in America.
Click on the link below to watch the full video:
Thankou, Dutch, from the bottom of my heart, for encouraging us to pray daily for this Nation! I love when you include history, as well as prophecies. I've been listening to your broadcasts first thing, usually 5 mornings a week. I love ❤️ this great move of God through you! Thankyou, again! Jody Arrington.
This was perfection, thank you Pastor Dutch Sheets🙏🏻
You are a very precious to all of us! Thank you for all that you do.
Thank you for your inspiring truthful words each and everyday
Amen and amen! A great message.