March 20, 2025
As corrupt as some on the Left have become, it should not be surprising that they have leftist judges who will do their bidding. The politicization of many in the Judicial Branch of our government is certainly being demonstrated. America is not approaching a constitutional crisis; we are already in one. The Left has amped up its use of the Judicial system to keep our Executive Branch from doing what “we the people” elected it to do. “Government by temporary restraining order,” as one article describes it, is now the strategy.(1)
As I said, we should not be surprised. Did we think the swamp would go down the drain peacefully? They will fight with every effort possible to maintain their control over America. Honesty, integrity, the Constitution – none of these things are deterrents. One of their problems now, however, is that the evils they are fighting to protect are so blatantly dishonest and corrupt that every honest American can see it.
We know Biden and his team betrayed our country and broke our immigration laws to bring in millions of illegals, including rapists, murderers, and vicious gangs. Now, liberal judges and liberal members of Congress are fighting to keep these vicious criminals in our country. Biden actually flew many of them in with our hard earned tax dollars, yet they tell us Trump can’t fly them out.
Some judges and members of Congress also fight the shutting down of fraudulent programs, including the waste and theft of hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars. These efforts, they tell us, are to save democracy. There’s a head scratcher: the $36 trillion of national debt is not the problem; DOGE is the real problem. Americans may have for years been uninformed, naïve, and negligent, but the majority of them are not stupid. When politicians and judges want criminals to remain in the land and don’t want taxpayers to know how their money is spent, we might just have a corruption problem. Is there any wonder why most Americans are cynical of our government officials?
I can assure you this will get uglier before it is resolved. Just as the Left won’t give up, we who want to see America saved are also determined to win, and are positioned to do so. There is now a bold and patriotic man, whom the Left tried to humiliate and destroy for 10 years, by the way, leading one of our three branches of government. He has put together a team of gifted patriots determined to clean up our government, and they have patriots in Congress working with them. Most importantly of all, a majority of Americans support the process. This threefold cord - Trump and his team, some in Congress and the American people - is determined to save our nation and restore it to greatness and strength. And they are acutely aware that the process, like a radical surgery to remove a tumor, will be messy and painful. But they also know that the procedure is necessary, or the patient will die.
This trinity of reformers realizes that the Left in Congress will continue to fight, as will progressive, leftist judges. They know the propaganda and publicity arm of the swamp, the mainstream media, will also continue to fight, as will their indoctrination arm, the current education system. The Left is fighting for its political and ideological life, and will stop at nothing in attempts to maintain its power. Nothing.
We, the praying church, must stay informed and engaged. We must pray for our righteous leaders daily, releasing the spiritual force necessary to empower their natural efforts. This is a two-fold effort to save our nation and reposition it to its God-given destiny. We intercessors must war against spiritual forces, while they fight on the governmental and social fronts. The war must be waged in both realms.
As you pray, remember that we are not trying to “talk God into” doing this, but are implementing His chosen method, prayer, which releases His authority and power. I quote again the great Jack Hayford, who said: “Prayer is essentially a partnership of the redeemed child of God, working hand in hand with God, toward the realization of His redemptive purposes on the earth.”(2)
I conclude with Christ’s instructions in Matthew 6:10, telling us to command His will to be done. “Be done” is the Greek word ginomai.(3) The word means to be created, born, or come into existence; it is used when referencing Christ creating all things in John 1:3 and Hebrews 11:3. We get many of our “gen” words from this word: genus, genes, genetics, gender, genealogy, generation, etc. all having to do with reproduction. When Christ told us to command His will to be done, He was saying, “Command My will to be generated, to come into being for Me.”
Obviously, it is not our power that is released in order to accomplish this. It is, however, our voice. We are those through whom Christ works to accomplish His purposes on earth. Jesus is asking us to do for Him what He did for the Father while on earth. Christ said His works were actually those of His Father: “The Father in me, He doeth the works” (John 14:10). Though this was true, Jesus was the one doing the touching and speaking. He was the Father’s conduit. In our representation of Christ, the pattern is the same: He provides the authority, power and directions; we are His hands, feet and voice.
Don’t rely only on government officials to cleanse and restore our nation. Release the authority and power of Christ. According to Psalm 2, all nations are part of His inheritance, including America. Let’s make it happen!
Pray with me:
Father, we are humbled and honored to represent Your Kingdom here on earth. Though Your Kingdom is spiritual, it is no less real, and You want its influence in every activity on earth, every square inch of which belongs to You. Those who think they can overrule You are deceived. You have already promised rule over the nations to Your Son; and He declared in Matthew 28:18 that all authority here on earth was now His.
Though we are not called to release Your influence by natural force, we are called to do so spiritually, dealing with spiritual powers operating behind the scenes. We bind them and their efforts to destroy America’s relationship with You and the calling You gave us. We command the generating of Your will in our government and nation: be done! We ask You to release Your influence over individuals, to orchestrate events and circumstances, and to expose evil.
We ask You to bring a revival that will save and change the hearts of millions of Americans. You are clearly ripening the harvest fields through Your works and actions. We thank You for this and ask that it continue.
Please bring a solution to the rogue judges operating in our nation. Give President Trump, his Justice Department and our legislators wise ideas and strategies. Use them to clean up this mess we pray, in Jesus name. Amen.
Our decree:
We decree that He who began a good work in America will finish it.
Click on the link below to watch the full video.
Jack W. Hayford, Prayer Is Invading the Impossible (South Plainfield, NJ: Logos International, 1977; revised edition, Bridge Publishing, 1995), p. 92, 1977 edition.
James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 1096.
Father God, as we, in the United States of America, sit at the beautiful gate of possibility, bring glory to Jesus by healing this nation. Unfortunately, our lameness has been on display for all the other countries. However, as the people witnessed the healing of the lame man in Acts 3, they were astounded by what they saw - a man who previously couldn't walk, to a man jumping and leaping for the very first time. This scene created a sense of excitement and amazement which opened the door for the gospel message. We need this today, in America. So, I ask You to repeat this through healing the United States of its lameness so that the world witnesses what…
Dutch, I appreciate these GH15 daily posts. I have followed them for years. I was in shock & disbelief hearing the results of the 2020 election, & the posts were my path to regaining strength & vision. The persistence of the Ekklesia, formerly dry bones, has emboldened us & we now see a flushing out of evil - and the enemy can't restrain itself from showing its hand. We pray for all who are entangled in its grip. Lord, set them free.
PRAY when you feel like it. PRAY when you don't feel like it. PRAY until you do feel like it!
2 Timothy 3:1-5 - But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.