March 28, 2025
“Finally, dear brothers and sisters, pray for us that the Lord’s message will continue to spread rapidly and its glory be recognized everywhere, just as it was with you. And pray that God will rescue us from wicked and evil people, for not everyone believes the message.” (2 Thessalonians 3:1-2 TPT)
Passages such as these make clear the incredible importance of prayer, and also that God’s will is not automatic or guaranteed simply because of His sovereignty. As I stated in yesterday’s post, we involve Holy Spirit through our prayers. In these verses, Paul says that prayer is needed in order for the Lord’s message to spread rapidly and its glory be recognized. The success of the gospel is linked to our prayers. Incredible.
He also instructed us in this passage to pray for rescue from “wicked and evil” people. The word “wicked” comes from the Greek word atopos.(1) The note in The Passion Translation says this Greek word can also be translated as “weird,”
“irrational,” “absurd,” and “disgusting.”
“Evil” in the above verses is translated from poneros(2). Thayer’s Lexicon says this word can refer to “a bad condition in a physical sense, such as being diseased or blind, and in an ethical sense: evil, wicked, bad.” In what is often referred to as The Lord’s Prayer, the word is used to reference satan as the “evil one” (Matthew 6:13).
Using these definitions, we are told to pray for rescue from “wicked, weird, irrational, absurd, disgusting, and evil” people. It is pretty easy to apply some of these terms to what goes on in our government today. Insisting that toddlers have enough understanding to want to change their gender and allowing confused children to be castrated is wicked, weird, irrational, absurd, disgusting, and evil. Sending drag queens to indoctrinate innocent kindergartners is wicked, weird, irrational, absurd, disgusting, and evil.
Allowing criminals to go free and walk our streets to steal, rape, and murder is wicked, weird, irrational, absurd, disgusting and evil. Encouraging Americans to harm those they disagree with and destroy other people’s property is wicked, weird, irrational, absurd, disgusting, and evil.
Many people coming into our nation illegally simply want a better life; some, however, are bad people and come for other reasons. To willfully allow them – murderers, rapists, gang members, drug dealers, and terrorists – to pour into our nation is wicked, weird, irrational, absurd, disgusting and evil.
The good news is that we are told prayer can rescue us from the efforts of these individuals. Prayer can also deliver some of them. Let’s persevere in our intercession for a great revival, which will not only save people’s hearts, but deliver depraved minds. Let’s pray for the Lord’s message to continue to spread rapidly and its glory to be recognized. Our prayers matter – appealing to heaven still works. And here is one more issue we must pray about.
The Wisconsin Supreme Court election on Tuesday, April 1, is of paramount importance for not only Wisconsin, but the entire nation. It will significantly influence the state’s judicial landscape and, by extension, its governance. Liberals currently hold a 4-3 majority; one of them is retiring, creating an opportunity to flip the court. The outcome will shape decisions on critical issues such as election integrity, regulatory policies, and individual rights.
For conservatives, a majority on the court would create an opportunity to uphold constitutional principles and promote a limited government approach. The judiciary plays a crucial role in interpreting laws and ensuring that legislative actions align with the Constitution. A conservative majority could counteract judicial activism, ensuring that judges adhere to the original intent of the law rather than imposing personal ideologies.
Also, the court’s decisions on economic and regulatory issues directly impact Wisconsin’s business climate. A conservative majority is likely to favor policies that promote economic growth, reduce regulatory burdens, and support the rights of businesses and property owners. This could lead to a more favorable environment for job creation and innovation.
Additionally, election integrity is a pressing concern for many conservatives. The Wisconsin Supreme Court has the authority to adjudicate disputes regarding election laws, including voter ID requirements and mail-in voting regulations in their state. A conservative court could reinforce measures aimed at securing fair elections, thereby restoring public confidence in the electoral process.
AP News reported that “On Monday night [March 24], Democratic U.S. House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries told supporters that electing Crawford [the liberal judge] was important so she and other liberal justices can order a redraw of congressional boundary lines…‘As soon as possible, we need to be able to revisit that and have fair lines,’ Jeffries said in a live discussion on the social media platform X. ‘The only way for that to be even a significant possibility is if you have an enlightened Supreme Court.’”(3)
“Fair” and “enlightened” are two words Jeffries and the Left define very differently than Mr. Webster. This election is seen by them as a way to gerrymander the House districts and retake the U.S. House of Representatives. This would halt the progress of Trump and conservatives in Congress as we restore our nation to truth, our original foundations, and frankly, sanity. The stakes are high. The election is seen as so important that as of Tuesday [March 25], $81 million has been spent on this one race, most of it coming from outside Wisconsin. If you live in Wisconsin, please vote. All of us can pray.
Pray with me:
Father, we are moved by the thought of being Your co-laborers. What a staggering truth! You have made us partners in Your great cause of releasing Christ’s redemption throughout the earth. Whether it be writing a letter, making a phone call, or offering up prayers, we are honored to work together with You. Please breathe upon this election in Wisconsin, and give us a more biblically based Supreme Court there. We ask You to thwart the efforts of those who work against Your principles and ways.
We continue to pray for those in our national government whom You are using to bring reformation. Give President Trump, his Cabinet, and legislators great wisdom as they develop and implement strategies. Continue to expose the rampant theft and fraud that has taken place. Open the file cabinets and expose the hidden files, as You have said You would do. Continue to awaken the American people – bring this nation to its senses!
And lastly, You told me years ago that the third great awakening in America would begin with the young people. This has now begun – You are pouring out Your Spirit on campuses throughout the nation. We ask that this not only continue but intensify, and that no effort from satan to defile it would succeed. Guard it jealously. Throw more oil on it, causing it to burn with holy fire and great intensity. Bless the endeavors of those You are using; give them provision, anointing, and great success. All of these things we ask in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, amen.
Our decree:
We decree that the good work God has begun in our nation will continue and not be thwarted.
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James Strong, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990), ref. no. 824.
Ibid., ref. no. 4190.