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We have answers! Below you will find some of the most commonly asked questions about Give Him 15 with links and tips to help you navigate your journey with us. 

  • How do I subscribe to the Give Him 15 emails?
    Subscribe to the daily Give Him 15 emails here. You will begin receiving emails the morning after you subscribe. If you do not see the email, please check your spam folder. Consider adding "" to your contacts so that the emails go to your correct inbox. There are no Give Him 15s on the weekends.
  • How can I find a specific Give Him 15?
    You can search the Give Him 15 archives for a specific post by using the "Search Results" feature located in the upper right hand corner of the homepage. (Or navigating directly to the "Search Results" by clicking here.) Once on the Search Results page, search for the particular post by key word mentioned in the GH15 post. Search by the most unique key word mentioned in the post in order to narrow down the results. For example, searching by "ekklesia" or "decree" will populate thousands of results. A better search term would be something uniquely mentioned in the post such as "battering ram" or "World Seer Series". You may also search by date, month, or a person's name who may have contributed content for the post such as "Tim Sheets."
  • What does "ekklesia" mean?
    Learn the meaning of the Greek word "ekklesia" in these Give Him 15s: "Christ's Ekklesia" , "Be the Church" and Keys to the Kingdom.
  • Why do we decree & declare?
    To understand why we decree & declare, read the Give Him 15s: "Priestly and Kingly Intercession – Both Are Needed", Understanding Kingly and Priestly Intercession and "Why do we Decree & Declare" and "Keys to the Kingdom". Additional Give Him 15s on this topic include: "The Power of the Spoken Word" and "The Power of Words". For more teaching, we recommend Dutch's books: Intercessory Prayer and Authority in Prayer.
  • Do I need to pray out loud?
    Read about the power of spoken prayer here: "Power of the Spoken Word", "Why do we Decree & Declare", "Prophesy to the Breath" and "The Creative Power of God's Word".
  • How do I pray for the unsaved or prodigals?
    The following GH15s are about praying for the lost: How to Pray for the Unsaved: Prodigal Series: Nov 27, 2023 Nov 28, 2023 Nov 29, 2023 Nov 30, 2023 Dec 1, 2023 Dec 4, 2023 Dec 5, 2023 Dec 6, 2023
  • Why do you use the phrase "America shall be saved"?
    Read the Give Him 15s: "The Verdict Has Been Rendered" and "Mercy is Our New Currency". For further evidence, we recommend reading Dutch's book An Appeal to Heaven as well as researching past moves of God, including the First & Second Great Awakenings, Cane Ridge Revival, Azusa Street Revival, Welsh Revival and the healing tent revivals of the 50s an 60s.
  • What does the Bible say about Christians and politics?
    Read the GH15 series: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 and "The 'Separation Between Church and State' Myth".
  • Do you have a statement of faith?
    Read the GH15 "What I Believe About Faith and Patriotism".

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