Drove around Lake Okeechobee today- the 2nd largest freshwater lake in the US. Read Psalms 91 and the decrees at each stop: Kissimmee River (Okeechobee on north end of the lake), Caloosahatchee River (Moore Haven on western side- water empties into the Gulf of Mexico), Miami Canal (Lake Harbor on southwestern side), Hillsboro and New River Canals (Belle Glade- Southern side) and Port Myacca lock/St Luciecanal (empties into the Atlantic Ocean). Also prayed for pump stations across our area as the farms and communities need them to balance water levels.

Dhatton, good morning, my name is Wes. I'm not sure where this is going if anywhere, but it struck me this morning as I was listening to Dutch Sheet's post that those of us who follow him are already watchmen. Gatekeepers. Part of the ecclesia. And perhaps it would be good if those of us in a same general area could meet, share, encourage one another, and pray together. I've already sent messages to people from Hillsboro county down to Lee county. I live in North Port Florida. I would be curious about your thoughts? Blessings.