This is a location we were hoping to visit soon to pray over. I didn'tsee any posts on it. We haven't been to this town in a few years but as I looked it up I see they are in need this week. The river is flooding, because of ice thawing and jam and they have declared state of emergency and boil order.
Prayers needed
Thank you
If post is not appropriate,please excuse but I'm sorry I felt moved to share.
We got to visit the area in person. Much of the water has receded ( thank you Lord) and the atmosphere was peaceful. We too were able to do Pastors prayers and decrees in person at the Kankakee river shoreline in lot of mud ( Holy Spirit was very present.) Thank you Father!
Thank you for all your prayers .
Thank you, Lord, for your protection of our waters. You set the waters in place, you caused them to cover the earth and also to be parted so the Israelites could cross over the Red Sea.... Thank you for sending your Angel's Armies to protect us. We pray for illumination, Lord, as geoengineering can alter normal weather patterns and create extreme weather events to which we are unaccustomed. We claim your truth - that no weapon formed against your people can prosper. Amen and Amen!
Agreeing with all prayers and decrees!
Pastor Dutch's Prayers and decrees over videos of Kankakee river. We still plan on going there in person on next day off too.
Thank you all for prayers for those effected by this flooding.
Prayers said for Wilmington.