As we prayed how the waters would be clean as sparkling jewels, the sun glistened upon the waters. It looked like diamonds dancing upon the water.
Neptune uses two conch shells to message for war or for peace. As a prophetic act we shattered the conch shells with a hammer, nullifying, false gods from calling the shots and sending messages. The shells did not break easily. And then we blew the shofar, the Lord‘s priestly instrument sounded upon the waters. (Ps. 29:3)

We anointed the area, marking it with the sign of the cross with anointing oil (frankincense & myrrh representing Jesus, Lord & King at His birth).
There was a belch-like sound that came from the water! The waters had been still and quiet. But as we prayed, the waters literally belched forth a sound of deliverance and release
Heather rang a brass Naval bell, with an anchor atop of it. (Purchased in MI where my son trained to become a Navy sailor.) With each ringing of the bell she made prophetic decrees over the waters, the Md. Chesapeake Gateway, our families, and the Navy. Then, we sealed the time with the blowing of the shofar, facing the water

We ask that you release, on the men and women in the military and those no longer employed, a gift of repentance through the cross of Christ so that they have every chance to willing submit to you as Lord and Savior and become born again.”
Before we left the base, we stopped inside the Visitors Center and there outside was a Holly bush with flaming red leaves, (a Holly bush has thorns on its leaves). Rarely, do you see a Hollybush with red leaves. “After forty years had passed, while he was in the desert near Mount Sinai, the Messenger of Yahweh appeared to him in the midst of a flaming thorn bush. Moses was astonished and stunned by what he was seeing, so he drew closer to observe this marvel. Then the Lord Yahweh spoke to him out of the flames: ‘I am the living God, the God of your ancestors. I am the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.’ “Trembling in God’s presence and overwhelmed with awe, Moses didn’t even dare to look into the fire. “Out of the flames the Lord Yahweh said to him:
‘Take the sandals off your feet, for you are standing in the realm of holiness.“
Very powerful, and I am now praying in agreement with you. Thank you and God bless you.