When we read the post “Picture of watchmen lining banks of river” for Washington State, we realized that our prayer assignment in Depot Bay could be connected.
Picture of watchmen lining banks of river in WASHINGTON:
Had a picture come to mind a couple of nights ago. Saw a map of an un-named river in WA. running north to south, assumed it was the Columbia. Saw watchmen strategically positioned on both sides of the river with line of sight connections to the next watchmen upstream and downstream. Assumed these were angelic but sensed there was a connection with intercessors along the way.
Father, I ask for watchmen to be stationed along the Columbia River with its tributaries that were brought to mind, the Snake and Yakima rivers. As this assignment develops, please provide additional watchmen and intercessors with the resources needed to be effective. Provide for good communication up and down the line. Please uncover the plots of the enemy and people bent on destruction. Lord, let the variety of dams both large and small, especially weirs, be protected as part of the restoration and healing of the land. Thank you.
My husband got an assignment from the Lord in 2022. "When he drove a stake in the ground it would open a portal for the angels to come through". So among others, he drove a stake at Depot Bay making declarations and prayed over it, anointing it with oil and wine. This was October 27, 2022 across the inlet from the WorldMark at Depot Bay. I know Depot Bay is in Oregon not Washington, but if the Lord gave my husband this assignment, how many other intercessors did he give similar assignments to? So the revelation is that if intercessors drove stakes in different places on either side of the Columbia River (and other rivers?), did this open portals for these watchmen angels to come through and be stationed in these spots like this intercessor saw in the spirit?