Jon Weddle joined me and dropped arrowheads at the dams lower part and I brought water from upper lake and poured out at dams llower part and decreed: " this water supply will remain consistent and could not be restricted or tampered with." For the arrowheads: "this dam and waterway are surrounded and guarded by the "warriors of heaven". Also we prayed and decreed Ps 91 and the "Prayers and Decrees of America's Waterways". So glad to be a part 🙂 🙌

Larry Gudger and Jon Weddle! Your 'Appeal to Heaven' flag, arrow heads, water transfer (with excellent stop-action photography), staff, and prayers are such an inspriation! Thank you for being a part and sharing the photos and info!
Blessings, BrendaQ
Thanks for the pics, thanks for the faithful warriors, thanks for the Almighty God🙂
Great work!!!