I took a quick break from my job along the southwest shoreline of Lake Washington today to pray for that waterway. While the lake is mostly bordered by private homes, two major freeways cross it, and its waters flow past a lot of marine industries around Lake Union and the ship canal, then through Ballard Locks, and out into Puget Sound.
As I walked to the water's edge, I scanned the ground thinking it would be great to find a cross-shaped piece of wood to anoint and toss onto the lake's surface. But my eyes were drawn to a piece of tree bark whose underside was scored by worms. I heard Holy Spirit say those channels represented waterways and that I should pour oil onto them and throw the bark into the water. After doing that, I prayed in tongues over the lake and connected warers.

I grew up in Kirkland and swam Lake Washington from Juanita to Waverly Park to the docks downtown on up to Houghton Beach. Thanks for praying over those waters and responding to the Holy Spirit in obedience. God bless our waters!.