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Forum Posts

Jan 19, 2024
Lord, we lift up the waters of Puget Sound and Hood Canal that provide homeports for our naval fleets. We thank You for Your hand of protection upon the Naval Bases: Bremerton, Keyport, undersea warfare station, Naval Base Bangor, Naval  Base Everett and Naval Air station Whidbey Island. We thank You for protecting the people working in these areas. Keep each of these men and women strong and courageous. Thank You for keeping them from becoming d( May they feel Your presence both while on duty and off. (http://off.Help) Guide them to remain morally strong and free from influences of evil. Thank You for keeping them free from sickness and injury. Thank You for protecting their families and providing the needed financial and social support. G(http://support.Guide)ive them the insight they need to carry out their tasks and to protect our country. Give each of them the knowledge and skill they need to operate machinery, technology, aircraft, weapons, and more to carry out their tasks and to stay safe in their missions. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ for it is His kingdom, and He alone has the power, He is God and He alone should be glorified.. Amen!
Jan 19, 2024
Heavenly Father, You created the heavens and the earth. Just as You created each one of us with a system for our life blood, so You did with the earth. Lord, You created the earth with a system of waterways, lakes, and oceans to sustain its vegetation and to provide for our physical, commercial, and transportation needs. Thank You Father for this provision. Not only do these waterways meet the above stated needs, but they also provide recreation and relaxation. Father, we thank You  for Your protection over these great waterways of our nation. We lift up major waterways across the nation that serve as highways for commerce from the vast oceans. Lord we thank You for the Mississippi River, the Missouri River, the St. James River, the Colorado River, The Snake River and our own river here in Washington State, the mighty Columbia River which emanates from Canada and traverses our state all the way to its Southern border than runs West to the Pacific Ocean. This River provides commerce of goods from all over the world to as far up river as 146 miles before it comes to the Bonneville Dam. Father we thank You for Your protection of this dam, which provides hydroelectric power to Washington and Oregon.  Father, we thank You for protection of the commerce traversing through waterways. Lord, we also lift up the many other waterways traversing our state of Washington. These rivers provide irrigation, drinking water, habitat for our fishing industries, and recreation. We lift up the Skokomish River, the Skykomish River, the Puyallup River, The Lewis River, the Chehalis River, the Nisqually River, the Newaukum River, the Spokane River, the Yakima River, the Wenatchee River, The Toutle River, the Dewatto River, the Union River and a vast array of other rivers.  We thank You for covering each one with Your protection. Father, we thank You for Your  protection of the commerce in Seattle and Tacoma as they provide goods and services to the Great Northwest. Father, we ask all this in the mighty name of Your son Jesus Christ for from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen


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